Chapter 12: Get the F*ck out.

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      The nations were all packing up so they could leave, happy to finally leave this place. They had thought this was an escape from the chaos but, now that the states were known about it was only a matter of time before some crazy crap happens. Not that they knew, they had it in their mind they were safe. Just wait till the burn down the meeting building...

     Once done the nations all met in the main hall with all of their things. States would help certain nations depending on if they liked them. England received pity from Tristain(Washington state) because he was blocking the entrance and he needed to walk his dog. France was helped by an overly cheerful Nadia(Lousiana) who looked ready to murder and a reluctant Dixen(Alabama), France is terrified of the reason why. Spain actually got help from Torrie(Michigan), California(Catherine), and Cassidy even though he didn't need it. The Italies didn't even pack, by the time they got to their room they were met with packed cases and a handful of happy states. Japan was also surprised by the fact Liliana (Hawaii) had helped him, and of course, her shadow Nikolai (Alaska) also helped, albeit reluctantly. China was helped by Matthew(Oregon) and Noah(Idaho) of all people, they just didn't seem to mind the ancient Asian man as much. Though, China swore he found a potato that had a suspicious note under his clothes. Prussia was overly babied by Canada all day who was apologizing rapidly for losing his temper like that. He couldn't even get to lift a finger to help as Canada had packed it all for him. Oh, and Germany had packed the night before because he liked to plan ahead, of course, he hadn't known Petra(Pennsylvania) was gonna throw it out the window into West Virginia's arms. Zander then chucked the case at his neighboring sister Angelina(Virginia) who was using magic to organize the countries luggage so they could easily find it. France had a painful amount of luggage.

"Okay! Now that you are all packed..." America said happily before looking at them with a wide smile "Get the f*ck out!" He said glaring sharply at England. The states all glared at their least favorite and Russia just stood behind America shooting all the nation's warnings. They wasted no time in grabbing their things and booking it. You weren't truly safe unless, you were Italian, Japanese, Prussian, and of course Canadian. Even that's iffy since Prussia was recently attacked.

England left with more mental scars than physical ones. He was now absolutely terrified of America. Not because of the American himself, but his crazy family who would slaughter him at a moments notice. America seemed totally unaware of Britt's blight and would pat him on the back making him shudder. The states just smirked at their success.

France was shivering as he left, he was glad he wasn't frog dinner but he had lost a valuable chunk of his hair and his pride. He would never again challenge America and his cooking or even think of him in the wrong way since the states were like bloodhounds when you insulted their mother. They will hunt you, they will find you, and they will kill you.

Spain was actually treated nicely by the states for reasons unknown, though you might have to give New Mexico a second to get over it. He was actually invited to one of the states for the annual Tomato fight. He didn't remember which it was but he wasn't too worried. 

Romano and Italy were welcome whenever they wanted since the states had taken a liken to them. Now, the states had both Italies as their uncles and couldn't be happier. There was an increase in pasta and tomato parties with Northie (What I call Italy from time to time. Don't judge me!) joining. Of course, they had to ask America to use the kitchen. America would just smile creepily and warns them if something is misplaced he will make sure they misplace their heads. He can be really creepy when he wants to be. 

Germany got acquainted with a few of the states and often gets visited by them. The others were a bit wary of him but otherwise tolerant. He actually got along with Petra pretty well even though she is basically a female copy of his annoying older brother. He was also a bit terrified of America as the states would beat you for any ill will towards their mother. He was usually in the clear.

Japan actually made good friends with little Hawaii and Alaska. They meet for tea and well, they also met for the weekly fangirl meetings hosted by Torrie(Michigan) and Cassidy.  The five of them all met and shipped different countries together. Hungary was also invited to this gang at some point. She actually already knew about the states so it was a no brainer. Together the 6 shippers would report on the latest news. Like, the fact Prussia finally grew a pair.

China hasn't bothered America about the dept as much because of an understanding, slight guilt, and pure fear of the states. They really instilled fear. He actually was visited from time to time and America actually brought over the territories so China could play with little ones again. Lin(Puerto Rico) would not let go of his mother though, he was practically attached. He also was muttering to a similar effect of Belarus about joining America.

Prussia finally asked Matthew to marry him and of course, he said yes. Now, it was a combined effort of the states, provinces, America, and a few other countries to get him in a dress. Matthew grew quite flustered but did agree to look into it after enough prompting from his family. Cassidy had a full-time job of juggling her state duties, making sure Torrie didn't slaughter Prussia and doing her other jobs and such. The wedding was elaborate and more wedding like than the RusAme red, white, and blue wedding. America did totally rock that dress though. Canada didn't wear a dress, yet someone had convinced Prussia to do it. Prussia walked down the isle and everything. He was proud too, he didn't care what you thought. 

The countries didn't mention it to their bosses. Some were confused with their personification sudden fear of America and they didn't figure it out until the great state pranking project. It was put together by the Dakota twins and Petra. The more disliked the more pranked. England couldn't even sit up in bed without some sort of prank. France got a bit farther with as he has set his feet on the floor before getting pranked. Spain was pranked by the states and Romano who threw tomatoes at him for literally no reason. He got them back at some point. Someone dumped all of England's tea into his back yard in native dress, the best guess is Shaun(Massachusetts) if not all of the original 13. Who doesn't love a good reenactment of 1773? 

The world was never the same since the states were known about and feared. The nations not in the loop were clearly told off for insulting America. The nations in the know would then look around paranoid as if they could hear the states. America just chuckled at them while Russia made sure everyone knew what was his. 

A/N- The states not introduced in this book promptly hunted me down in the middle of the night and almost murdered me if not for my state Colorado bailing my ass out. I know it seems to be over but I do have an epilogue planned. Just because I like the idea. How you survived this long is up for debate, the story didn't have any sort of plan and it shows! Now, go read some good fanfiction because this is obviously not it. 

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Au revoir!

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