Chapter 4: England's humiliation continues

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Thanks to GallopingFlower for the amazing cover~

England awakened with a groan. His body hurt like he walked through the fires of hell and came back for another day of living. His thicc brows furrowed when he felt someone tend to his wounds. He looked up and saw that a white-blond girl was softly taking care of his extensive library of wounds. Her blue eyes met his green and she frowned.

"Oh, you awake. How...unfortunate" She said coldly

"Wha-" England said

"You took quite the beating. If Momma hadn't been there to stop them then you most certainly would be dead. For a bit. " The girl says in a slight monotone as she dressed a wound on his leg.

"Thank you," England says

"I'm not doing this for you. I considered just leaving you to bleed out but Momma doesn't want you dead despite how much you deserve it. Plus, it would be a nightmare to pick up the shambles of your country. " The girl said with Russian winter coldness.

England didn't say anything else in the cold atmosphere. The girl finished wrapping him up and left his side. She checked in the Frenchman who passed out and has yet to wake up surprisingly. He was still alive apparently.

Suddenly, the door burst open and a girl with dark Hispanic skin and bright blond hair burst in. She was wearing a loose tee that said "I'm 99.99% Sure I'm A Disney Princess" and shorts. She had on a pair of flip-flops and had painted toe-nails that had Micky decals on red polish. You could see the straps of a bikini since the loose shirt slid slightly of her shoulders.

"Like, Cass what are you doing? Isn't he like a jerk?" The girl asks

"He is Catherine(California). I just couldn't say no to Momma." Cassidy says back

"Ah, well me, Bianca(Florida), Kara(Illinois), Angel(Los Angeles, California) and Louis(Chicago, Illinois) are like totally gonna go on a Musical theater/ Disney tour and like sing all the songs from our like favorite musicals and Disney movies" Catherine blurted excitedly

"I would love to go but I have my hands full making sure these two don't die," Cassidy said with a sigh.

"Like, bring them with us. It's like not the same without you" Catherine says with a pout

"I don't feel like dragging around an unconscious Frenchman all day though, it would be fun to watch his skin peel as we scrape it against the concrete~," Cassidy said with a creepy smirk

"Like, tone down the psychotics. Just like bring the English one since he is at least awake." Catherine says

"I'm not really worried about him dying. France just should be awake by now." Cassidy says

"Just like dump him on Nadia(Lousiana), she has been like dying to skin the Frenchmen since he came here," Catherine said evilly

"Fine, but if he goes missing I'm not eating her gumbo for a year," Cassidy says before pushing the Brit off the bed.

"Since I can't leave you here alone without the threat of murder. I guess you are coming with us." Cassidy said to the Brit on the floor.

"I'll like be in the tour van," Catherine says before making her exit

"Come on," Cassidy says before picking England up and putting him over her shoulder. She seemed warm one minute but the next she was freezing cold. She carried him outside with him draped over her shoulder.

They passed a lot of other states and nations who laughed at the Brit's situation. This made the Brit blush profusely in humiliation. They even passed Russia who glared at the Brit and mouthed 'When you get back it's time for my revenge~' and this made the Brit shiver. Cassidy stopped briefly to talk to another girl that the Brit couldn't see before continuing on the journey outside.

They get outside and see a van that was very colorful as it was pink with splatters of different colors that popped off of the pink exterior. Inside, there was already a bunch of people who seemed to be dancing with dramatics.

Cassidy opened the door and threw the Brit in. This shocked the other members of the van except for Catherine.

"Whoa, who's the baggage?" Kara(Illinois) asks

"Eh, I didn't wanna leave him alone like a lamb to slaughter," Cassidy said

"Let's like, get this show on the road," Catherine says while Cassidy situates her baggage.

They hear the starting of You'll Be Back and they all looked at Cassidy pleadingly she sighed and started to sing with a pretty good British accent.

You say

The price of my loves not a price that you're willing to pay

You Cry~

In your tea which you hurl in the see when you see me go by

Cassidy dramatically throws imaginary tea at the sea with her siblings who nod along. They smile happily and England is unsure whether to be insulted or not.

Why so sad?

Remember we made an arrangement when you went away

Cassidy dramatically swept her hand through the air and wiping her forehead.

Remember, despite our estrangement, I'm your man~

England was still unsure whether to be offended or not

You'll be back, soon you'll see

You'll remember you belong to me

The other siblings all joined at this part with more or less success at a British accent making the Brit sweatdrop at some of the attempts.

You'll be back, Time will tell

You'll remember I served you well

They all continued singing the song making England question his existence slightly as the song was confusing to him without the context. Actually, it's less offensive without the context so yeah...

Then, Sincerely, Me came on and they all dramatically sang that one as well. They were just driving around all day before they made it back. England runs out so fast and runs into the house. They were absolutely terrifying because at some point they just started screaming lyrics and England's eardrums almost burst.

England sighed when he reached his door and went to open it when a cold grip fell on his shoulder. He gulped at the familiar presence and the pain in his shoulder.

"Where are you going? I have to express my dislike for you hurting my Fredka as you have~" The deep Russian voice said into his ear with that cold aura around him.

England screamed.

A/N- I hope it isn't the worst. I wanted to show my love of musical theater... The songs used/mentioned are You'll Be Back from Hamilton and it is not mine. Never will be. The other song is Sincerely, Me from Dear Evan Hansen which is also not mine. I just realized I call all the states their human names but the nations their country names... I don't even know why. Again, thanks to my friend for the cover~ I really should start drawing my covers by hand so I can try and get close to such beauty because I suck at digital. I also wrote this since sleep is for the weak so I probably missed like a thousand spelling mistakes but I don't really care.

Au Revoir.

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