Chapter 7: The Date

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So, I just wanted to write some RusAme. I feel a bit of guilt but for RusAme enthusiasts like yours truly I must write this. Also, I had to get the parents out of the house for future chapters 😉.


Russia woke up alone in bed. This wasn't unheard of but the overly cold Russian country was unhappy to be without his usual heat source first thing in the morning. No, the bed was as cold as Russia felt.

But, where was America? Well, that's what Russia is gonna find out. Russia begrudgingly left the bed and softly made his way out of the room. He looked around sleepily and rubbed his eyes with a small yawn.

"Where is Fredka?" He said softly. He saw a light underneath the door to America's office and sighed.

He opened the door and immediately spotted his American husband slumped over a mountain of paperwork with a pen still loosely hanging from his fingers. He has some light ink smudges on his face and his glasses were askew. He was completely passed out and had bags to show for his lack of sleep. Russia would think he was cute if he was not disappointed America fell asleep at his desk, again.

Russia hoisted the American up carrying him bridal style and carrying him to their room. He carefully changed the American out of his casual jeans and into his favorite pair of sweatpants he may have stolen from Russia. Then, he carefully placed Texas on the bedside table and kissed his Fredka goodnight.

He closed the door quietly and turned around to see a certain individual behind him. He sighed as he recognized Washington D.C. who was looking at him.

"Did mom work all night again?" D.C. asked with a look of concern. He looked exactly like his mother and even had the same cowlick. The only thing that could be contributed to his father was the blueish-green eyes.

"Da, he did not return to bed at all last night. I found him in his study." Russia said softly and the kid nodded

"Him and his stupid workaholic nature. I can't believe that those nations, who we have been burdened with, call him lazy. I bet he does more work than those wannabes in an hour then they do in a day" D.C. hissed harshly

"Da, you should get up some siblings that can actually cook. Your mother is still dead to the world." Russia said

"You know pops, you should take him on a nice romantic date~, "D.C. says as he leaves to go wake some of the southern states.

Russia actually thinks about it for a second before pulling out his phone to make a reservation for the two of them at their favorite fancy restaurant.


Russia told America that they were going out tonight and to dress nicely when he came to. America did as told.

Russia was waiting for the American and his jaw dropped when he saw him. America came down the stairs in a short dress that hugged his frame in all the right ways. He is also torturing himself with some heels and Russia will never understand why. The American was blushing slightly and he checked out the Russian making him blush more.

"Fredka" Russia gasped out

"Is it too much?" America asks softly when he reaches his date.

"Nyet, you look perfect Fredka~," Russia said making the American blush more.

"Let's go, Vanya" America said and he walked out. Russia was watching him leave hungrily.

"Damn, that ass~" Russia muttered

"What?" America asks

"I hope the kids don't blow up the house or kill anyone without me" Russia says quickly before swooping and opening the door for his date.

"Oh Vanya, aren't you a gentlemen." America teased as he got in the car

"Anything for my Fredka~," Russia said before getting in the car.

(This is the point where I officially died from fangirling too much. The rest will be written from the afterlife.)

They get to the restaurant and no one looks at them twice as they are lead to their usual seat.

"Ah, Ivan and Alfred. Been a while since I've seen you here" Their usual server said. He was a reasonably young man with his brown locks tied back in a bun and brown eyes.

"Yeah dude, been busy with paperwork and such," America says

"How are your kids?" The guy asks

"Murdery crackheads," America said

"So, they're doing great then," The server said

"Da, now leave because I want time with my wife," Russia said shooing the man which made him laugh and leave.

"Soo, why the date then?" America asks

"You needed a break and I wanted to treat you. Also, it was your son's idea." Russia says

"Which one, no wait, it was D.C. wasn't it?" America says

"Da, now that we'r-" Russia started only to be interrupted by the stereotypical pretty boy who thinks he can have anyone he wants.

"Hey sweetie~ You look delicious in that dress~" The man literally leaned on the table to look at America who raised his eyebrow.

"Oh Honey, the last time I wore a dress it was white and I got this beautiful piece~" America said flashing his wedding ring

The man flinched slightly but continued on. "Heh, that can be a slight complication but, I'm way better than him~," The pretty boy said

Then, Russia looked at the readers and said: "He does realize I'm right here..."


"Excuse me, sir. But, would you please move away from my lovely husband." Russia says making the man look at him. Russia aura x10,000.

The man stuttered with wide eyes and he ran away with his tail between his legs.

"He was persistent," America noted

"Scum like him dared to look at my beautiful Fredka" Russia growled

"Ooh, is someone jealous~?" America asks with a smirk

"Maybe," Russia said

"Don't worry big guy~ After dinner you can lay your claim~" America says and Russia looked like Christmas came early.

Russia had never wished for dinner to end so fast but he soon found the wait was worth it. Especially with what America was wearing under that dress~

A/N- This is technically a Valentine's day special but without the actual holiday. I didn't even think about it until writing this now... Plus, I just wanted some Rusame... And offical_Michigan made me feel like writing some. So, really it's their fault. Also, this was edited as well as North Italy can drive at a normal speed.


Au revoir~

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