♡ Chapter 09 ♡

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Somewhere unknown,

Third Person's POV

He stared at his latex-gloved palm silently, his mind recalling his past memories with his family. He clenched his palm into firm fist, before the glove faded into nothingness.

The teenage boy looked up to the sky, glimmering stars littered everywhere. The moon showered the night with its beautiful light. He heaved a long sigh of exhaustion.

The brown-haired boy ran his fingers through his slightly messy locks, his heterochromatic eyes began watering with crystal tears. The globglobs of tears fell on the floor.

"Why am I so weak back then...?" He monologued in frustration, voice became shaky. His teeth grinding against each other, showing his pent-up feelings to the whole world. Without warning, every things around him - garbage bins, trashes, walls, grounds and many more - were destroyed to bits, before they slowly disappeared in the thin air.

But the boy didn't fidget even a bit when his surrounding was demolished and disappeared from his sight. The frustration, devastation and disappointment swirling within him were too overwhelming, to the point he didn't care what happened to himself anymore.

"... I need to hurry... Hurry up and... Erase that guy completely from this world..." He murmured to himself again, teeth still gritting firmly. His eyes became lifeless as he uttered those words.


Next day,
Almost afternoon,
Deku Hero Agency...

Third Person's POV

Since today both Kai and Izuku would be busy, Eri was sent to Inko's house, since she insisted on taking care of her after she heard the little girl was sick.

Izuku had asked Kai to come with her to her agency, though he protested at first. He didn't want to be seen walking together with a famous pro hero - his wife - because he hated attention. However, after a few minutes of persuading, he reluctantly agreed.

Izuku was worried something would happen to her husband if he was left alone at home. Kai, despite not being the heartless yakuza he used to be in the past, still had terrifying tendecies to harm anyone who ticked him off. Because she didn't want him to kill anyone - even a villain - she decided to keep an eye on him by having him over to her agency.

Kai watched his wife doing some paperwork from afar, his lidded golden followed every movement she made. Izuku - who was in her hero costume - didn't pay attention to his staring, choosing to focus on her work.

Craving for attention from the love of his life, Kai resorted to desperate action. He got up from the couch he was sitting on and approached his wife. He hugged her body from behind, causing Izuku to squeak in surprise.

"What, Kai- don't surprise me like that! Jeez..." Izuku whined in dissatisfaction, her lips curled up into a pout. Kai rested his chin on her small shoulder, tighteninh his hold around her body. "Don't be mad, sweetheart... I simply want to hug you only..." He whispered into her ear before giving her cheek a loving peck.

Izuku blushed faintly at his romantic action. Honestly, she wanted to push him away, but deep down inside she was enjoying his attention.

"... Kai, I have work to do.. You should start doing your work too..." The greenette reminded him. However, he stayed stubborn and hugged her tighter. "... I will do my work once you fulfill my desire..." She could practically hear the smirk in his seductive voice.

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