Ain't No Sunshine When He's Gone

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One afternoon I said to myself,
"Why isn't the lonesomeness more impersonal?"
Now private is just the thing.
To get me wondering if the lonesomeness is subjective.

How happy is the inner brokenness!
Does the brokenness make you shiver?
does it?

Just like a spiritual place, is the faithlessness.
Are you upset by how old it is?
Does it tear you apart to see the faithlessness so yellowish?

I can't help but stop and look at the cunning despair.
Never forget the ingenious and clever despair.

Pay attention to the aloneness,
the aloneness is the most everlasting temperament of all.
Never forget the continual aeonian aloneness.

Pay attention to the torment,
the torment is the most tragic of all.
Are you upset by how tragical it is?
Does it tear you apart to see the torment so sad?

Romeo's POV

One week. One. Whole. Week. My baby is gone with the angels. I should've went with him outside that night, but he wanted to be alone. It's all my fault. I was the one that got him taken, and that's gonna be my story to the police when I tell them what happened. I'm gonna go down to the police station and tell them I was the one who kidnapped Xavier. I'll serve 20+ years for second degree kidnapping and I'll most likely die in prison.

"Ro, where are you going?" Mia asked while I was in the midst of putting my shoes on

"Oh, Mia. I thought you were going on that date." I said

"He cancelled last minute. His boss wanted him to work late tonight. Now, where are you going?" She asked once again

"I'm going down to the police station." I said

"For what? You ain't done nothing wrong." She said sitting down next to me

"But, I did. I kidnapped someone." I said and she looked at me crazy

"For a professional athlete, you talk the most craziest mess. Who or what even made you think that?" She asked

"My instincts and my brain kept telling me. But, I failed to listen." I said sternly

"If looks could kill, Jesus would've killed you by now." She said and made me think she was going to hit me, so I flinched

"I'm sorry. But, I love Xavier and I'll die for him. I can't live without him. He's my everything." I said holding my hand over my heart

"Romeo, you're 17. For the past 16 years, you knew even knew Xavier existed. In theory, you have been living without him." She said and I gave her a cold stare

"But that's besides the point. I loved Xavier, but now he's gone. Somebody took him." I said

"Oh, you mean his dad's right hand man?" She said and I looked at her

"How you know that?" I asked giving her my full attention

"The night of Xavier was kidnapped, I was going out for a walk and..."

Mia's POV (Flashback)

I seen a mysterious car and two guys and one was wearing a mask parked in front Xavier's house. I got suspicious and snuck over to the car. Thankfully I was wearing black that night. I hid at back of the car and listened to their conversation.

"Boy, I don't give a damn if you're still in love with him. I want him gone and out of my life. I had twelve DNA tests done that boy and they kept coming back positive. If that boy dies, I get 4 million dollars in cash." Xavier's father said

"But, how do I kill him? He's your son." The other guy said sounding very nervous

"Ryan, when you get to be my age and you have that one kid you hate with your guts, you'd want them dead too." He said

"Sir, I can't do it. What if we go to jail for it? I can't go to jail at this age." Ryan said

"We not going to jail if you snitch. Besides, six pounds of cocaine and 60 thousand dollars is calling your name. I know how much you can't resist drugs." He said

"Fine, I'll do it." He said taking his seatbelt off and getting out the car

"Ryan, don't fuck this up or ya nother will be seeing her grave at 45 years old." He said and I peeked out from the side of the car.

The boy got out and snuck around the side of the house. I wanted to do something, but I would get caught. So, I snuck away to our house.

"That was it. I was going to try and find Xavier, but I had no luck." I said and he looked at me with fuming anger

"Where are they keeping him?" He asked through gritted teeth

"I found out last night that they're keeping him in a rundown McDonald's three blocks from us." I said

"Mia, this is why I love you." He said and reached under the couch to get his gun

"Yeah yeah. Now, go after your man. If you get shot, call me and I'm on my way." I said before getting comfortable on the couch

Romeo's POV

I walked out the house and went to the garage. I prayed to God that I will find him before I left. After I finished, I drove over to the place and hid the car so they wouldn't find it.

"Xavier, I'm coming for you baby. I'll never stop fighting for you." I said before entering the building and made my way to the underground facility

End of chapter


Sorry, I had to sneeze. I don't have Covid-19, I got allergies.

Anyway, I know I said this was gonna come out 3 weeks ago, but this Covid-19 is whooping our ass and we're on lockdown. I have been bored and out of school (but we still got online classes😐 bunch of bougie bitches.)

I hope y'all like this. Make sure you guys vote, comment and share this book to other people (we hit that 6k y'all😁 let's shoot for 10k)

Stay safe, wash ya hands and double squirt with that Purell. See ya

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