Author's Note

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This may not be what y'all were expecting, but it needs to be said.

George Floyd was murdered. No heart condition could've caused his death. He was strangled and stripped from his rights as an American citizen. He didn't resist his arrest, but he ended up dead anyway. The store clerk that called the police in him thought George was giving him counterfeit money. I still wanna know what stopped him from holding the bill under some light and you would've seen the other side of the $20 bill.

America is being shot to hell. All these protests and riots against police brutality are too much. Police have officially shown their true colors against their own country.

Donald Trump is a big scared lussy who hides behinds the lies he tell, but stands with the secrets he keep. He never wanted to be President. A real President like Barack Obama would've protected his country at all costs. Justice for all the African Americans that have been murdered will be received this year if everyone comes together as a community and puts their differences aside just for a moment and realize that if we want change, we need to stand together.

All lives won't matter unless Black Lives Matter. If I can't have justice, where am I supposed to go for so damn peace if I can't get it in my own country?

Donald Trump will never be my President. He was an asshole in The Little Rascals and will continue being one in my eyes.



Sorry for the rant, but I'm tired of all this going on in America. This country is seriously fucked up now

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