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I love y'all, but I don't feel like writing a poem right now. Just enjoy the story:)

Malik's POV

So, I'm sitting here. My stomach is getting bigger and I blame Isaac. We go back to school in a month and I gotta figure out how to hide this. If only I could turn back time, I wouldn't be laying here carrying a baby.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Isaac asked

"Nothing, just sitting and reflecting on how am I supposed to hide a baby that you gave me." I said getting upset

"Hey, you loved the sex we have and I give you that same love in return." He said kissing me

"Yeah, yeah whatever." I said smiling and my stomach started hurting. I closed my eyes and felt like I had to throw up

"You ok? Do you need to throw up?" He asked carrying me to the bathroom. I was too weak to do anything, so I let him

"Yeah, I just need to go to the doctor. My stomach is killing me." I said holding my stomach lightly.

Within a few minutes, we were both dressed and I was being carried to the car. Little did I realize we sat here for five minutes when I decided to speak out.

"Are we gonna or what? What's wrong?" I asked him

"I... don't know how to drive." He said and I looked at him with a face of horror. I put my face in my hands and took off my seatbelt.

"Oh hell naw, you ain't finna kill me. Fuck that. Imma walk to the hospital." I said trying my best to get out

"No, wait wait. Malik, I can't let you walk." He said getting out and going to my side

"I would rather walk and have a contraction on the way there than you killing me." I said as he made me sit there and I was getting annoyed.

"Ok, just let me go get Romeo and I'll be right back." He said hurrying back into the house

One hour later

Once we got to the hospital, Romeo parked the car and decided to wait for us.

"Thank you for taking us." I said to him

"You welcome. I still don't know how the hell Isaac thought he was gonna drive my car. He tripping." He said and Isaac flipped him off and proceeded to carry me inside. When we got inside, the doctors immediately stared at me with confusion and horror. One doctor came over to us and immediately took us to a room.

"Isaac, well what have you done today?" The doctor said reading over a chart

"This boy right here is pregnant and needs an ultrasound done on him." He said with confidence and I looked at him to figure out how he knew that.

"Don't judge me. I read the book." He said looking down at me

"Oh, so you're the one? He's told me a lot about you." The doctor said to me which resulted in me blushing

"And don't worry. He's said only good things about you. Except the fact you were having a baby." He said and Isaac gave a nervous chuckle

As this doctor was getting information about me, he asked me a question I thought he wouldn't even care to ask at all.

"And, do you know who the father is?" He asked and the room fell silent. This proceeded me to look at Isaac with a plain face, but mixed with serial killer

"You didn't tell him?" I asked and he looked away. I looked at at the doctor and with utter confidence, I pointed at Isaac and the doctor looked at me with a 'I feel sorry for you' face.

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