CHAPTER THREE. drunken words.

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( song of the chapter )
collide— rachel platten

" come and crash into me 'cause
i want us to collide. "


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Harper vividly remembered the first time she landed in Beacon Hills. Sat between her mother and her father, the nine-year-old girl had desperately tried to peer over her mother's lap to see outside the window of the plane. She recalled seeing the preserve from where they were starting to land, and all of the little houses below.

The smallest things never ceased to amaze Harper Verum. For example, the fact that she had no idea as a young girl that she was looking down on her new home, and that her best friends were all there in those houses. Or that preserve that was waiting for her to go and explore it seven years later with the two boys that she loved more than anything.

"Mummy, when are we going home?" Harper whispered, tugging on the sleeve of Monica Verum's jumper in an attempt to capture her attention.

Monica laughed quietly, "this is our new home, darling. One of those houses- down there."

"What about my friends?" She wondered, peeling her eyes from the window and back towards her mother.

"You'll make new friends, Harper. Don't you worry about that."

Her father glanced over from where his head was shoved in a book. "You'll just have to grin and bear it."

Her mother was right, as always. Less than a week later, when Harper attended Beacon Hills Elementary School, she met Scott and Stiles for the first time. Lydia came a few years later when Harper was eleven, and she met Allison five years after that- when she was sixteen. Next came Isaac, and then Malia, then Liam.

Point was, Harper had too many memories here. Even if so many horror stories had taken place on top of the grounds of Beacon Hills, many to Harper herself, she would never in a billion years want to take it back. She'd fallen in love here, she'd graduated high school here, she'd made life-long friends here.


Speaking of life-long friends...

No matter how much time they spent apart, Lydia Martin and Harper Verum would always be inseparable in the bigger picture. The woman had stuck by Harper through every decision she'd ever made, through their teenage years and now their adult life, and Harper never failed to love Lydia unconditionally.

The strawberry blonde ran towards her now, a grin on her bright red lips as her hair flailed around behind her. Harper pulled the sunglasses off of the edge of her nose and ditched her suitcase, running to meet Lydia halfway like something out of some cheesy romantic comedy film.

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