CHAPTER ONE. the invitation.

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( song of the chapter )
lost my mind— alice kristiansen

" am i in your head half as often
as you're on my mind? "

" am i in your head half as oftenas you're on my mind? "

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seven years later.

𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 three years, Harper Verum had found out numerous things; one of those things being that New York was the worst place to be when trying to get home after a long day at work.

Everything seemed to be beeping all at once as the rain lashed down around her, soaking through her clothes and making her hair stick to her freezing skin.

A stranger shoved into her, sending her stumbling from where she held her hand in the air, attempting to hail a cab. She rolled her coffee-coloured eyes at the man who didn't even bother to apologise, a small huff escaping her lips.

Despite that one song saying that there was nothing you can't do in New York, Harper would like to beg to differ and suggest that one thing you couldn't do was move.

Bodies slammed into her from all angles and she was starting to get royally pissed off, her bottom lip caught between her teeth to prevent her from cursing out loud.

Eventually, after what felt like an eternity and a half, a yellow cab started to pull away from the hectic traffic and drift towards her. She yanked open the back door and climbed inside, managing a small smile at the taxi driver through the mirror.

"Where to?" His New York accent was thick and something Harper thought she would never get used to, but nevertheless she told the man her address and prayed he wasn't one for small talk.

Sinking back into her seat, Harper released a sigh and closed her eyes, her body thanking her for finding somewhere to sit.

Today had been a lot, and all Harper fancied was a hot bath and a good sleep. Clients had been in and out all day, a couple of new ones, but mostly the regulars. Even if being a therapist was generally rewarding, it was also extremely tiring.

"Yeah, right here, thanks," Harper murmured once the driver pulled up to her building around forty-five minutes later.

She paid and tipped the man before climbing back out into the harsh weather. California had had its moments, but it was nothing like this. This weather reminded her more of back home in England, and she couldn't say she particularly enjoyed it.

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