CHAPTER TWENTY. new problems.

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( song of the chapter )
feel something— bea miller

"i don't wanna die but i
don't wanna live like this."

Scott and Allison's wedding was fast approaching and to say Allison was stressed would be an understatement

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Scott and Allison's wedding was fast approaching and to say Allison was stressed would be an understatement. Lydia was trying to calm her down from where the tall brunette was pacing up and down her living room carpet, meanwhile, Malia and Harper both stared with wide eyes from the leather couch.

"The wedding is in three weeks, Lydia!" Allison practically heaved for air as the strawberry blonde finally managed to grab her by the shoulders and hold her still. "This whole supernatural mess hasn't been sorted out yet, more people are dead, and my wedding planner is not returning my calls!"

"She's probably just busy," Lydia frowned, nearly glancing over her shoulder to ask Harper for help before remembering the state she was in.

The teenage girl looked slightly traumatised, having no idea beforehand how stressful a wedding could really be. Harper always thought when hers would come around she wouldn't be one of those 'bridezillas'. Sure, she'd want it all cute and stuff, but she was sure that it wouldn't matter much so long as her friends and her groom were there and happy.

"Maybe she's ignoring your calls because you called her eighteen times last week," Malia huffed slightly, standing up and folding her arms across her stomach. "What else is there to even plan? Shouldn't you be sitting back and looking forward to it by now?"

"I just- I want everything to be perfect, okay?" Allison ran a hand through her dark locks. "My dad only got his suit yesterday. Can you believe that?"

"There's still three weeks," Malia shrugged. "He's fine. It's all gonna be fine."

Harper felt slightly guilty knowing that she was hiding information from the three women, but Scott said he didn't want Allison to be even more stressed with the whole Bubak situation- if that was what they were calling it now.

After Stiles had dropped Harper back to the temporary apartment she shared with Lydia, Harper had stayed up all night researching the thing. Not a lot came up, but the pictures on Google Images were enough to haunt her.

She watched as Lydia began to stroke Allison's back, watching as the brunette calmed down significantly. Harper stared between the three women, wondering how she was so close with three completely different personalities. The four of them were so different, especially Malia, but she guessed that's what probably bonded them so much.

Lydia was assertive and bold, while Malia was edgy and blunt, and Allison was confident and sweet. Harper wasn't sure if she was the same in eight years as she was now, but she guessed she was probably the clumsy, friendly one. She didn't necessarily hate that.

"I gotta go," Harper stood up, making them all look over at her. "Scott and Stiles were gonna take me to Deaton about this whole... teenager thing I guess."

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