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( + kinda important note at the end )

"Hey, dude, can you take a picture of us?"

Stiles Stilinski's American accent stuck out like a sore thumb over the hundreds of Londoners trying to go about their daily business, a few glancing over at him as he stuck his phone out to a stranger sat nearby. The man, who was probably in his forties, stared at them for a second before he sighed and rolled his eyes, grabbing the device from Stiles.

Harper Stilinski giggled, knowing exactly what was most likely running through the stranger's head right now. It wasn't a secret that Europeans didn't particularly like American tourists or the way Stiles had just called him 'dude', but her grin only brightened at Stiles' obliviousness as he jogged back to Harper, shooting her a thumbs up with an innocent look on his face- he'd been trying to get someone to take a photo for nearly five minutes now.

"Told you someone would," Stiles huffed as he wrapped an arm around her, the two of them leaning back against the concrete wall of Westminster Bridge.

The newlyweds smiled eagerly for the camera, Stiles breaking character and rolling his eyes when someone walked straight in front of them and ruined the shot. Harper smacked his wrist gently and he straightened back up, forcing a beam as the stranger continued to take shots.

"Thanks, man," Stiles accepted the phone back after a bit, waving the man off as the couple moved out of the crowds of people to look at the photographs. "Aw, we look so cute!"

"Like proper tourists," Harper agreed, watching as Stiles swiped through all of the shots.

Despite being so awkward, the couple somehow ended up photogenic, and so Harper thought all the pictures looked amazing- good enough to be turned into canvases and put on their walls back home. The background was beautiful too. They'd found the perfect spot on the bridge where you could see the water of the Thames and the London Eye, as well as the County Hall.

Stiles shoved his phone back into the pocket of his shorts before bending down and pressing a quick kiss to his wife's lips.

"Where to now?" Stiles questioned, tilting his head up to look over the crowds of people when he saw a red double-decker go by, tourists on top and taking pictures of the London Eye. "We could do that!"

Harper glanced over to where he was looking, scrunching her nose up. "Get stuck on a bus for three hours? I don't think so."

"Oh, come on, Harps! It will be fun and we'll see the whole city," Stiles protested, his hazel eyes blinking at her pleadingly.

"But Sti, we only have today and tomorrow left in England and trust me when I tell you those things aren't worth it," the Empath promised him. "I vote we get the tube to Buckingham Palace, then we go to Chinatown for dinner."

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