CHAPTER TWELVE. the ice bath.

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( song of the chapter ! )
ribs— lorde

" you're the only friend I need,
sharing beds like little kids
laughing 'til our ribs get tough,
but that will never be enough. "

Curse words slipped past Stiles' lips as his body fell off of Harper, the two of them both breathing heavily with their backs against the mattress

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Curse words slipped past Stiles' lips as his body fell off of Harper, the two of them both breathing heavily with their backs against the mattress. Thin layers of sweat clung to their skin as Stiles' hand rested on top of his beating heart, his veins flooded with adrenaline and euphoria.

He heard Harper shuffle beside him and tilted his head, smiling when she moved her head into the crook of his arm and his chest like she always used to do. His strong arm wrapped around her and held her even closer while she threw her arm over his torso, breathing slowly now.

Neither of them knew what to say to each other now. Stiles just felt so warm and content, he didn't want to move from where he was buried in his teenage self's bed, his ex-girlfriend who he was still so in love with wrapped in his arms.

"I'm having some serious nostalgia right now," Harper whispered, clinging onto him a little tighter and looking around the bedroom. "Our first time was here, remember?"

"How could I forget?" Stiles smiled slightly, his slender fingers moving to trace patterns on her bare skin. "I was so nervous, and you were so beautiful."

Harper felt her heart thump that little bit harder in her chest, nuzzling her cheek against his chest even further as if to hide her blush. A low chuckle made Stiles' body vibrate a little and Harper could feel it surge through her own body.

"You were pretty," Harper spoke tiredly, moving so that her chin was resting on him and she could look into his honey eyes. "You still are, just kind or more handsome than pretty now."

His eyelashes were still so long and dark, his nose still like all button-like and cute. He peered at her with pure admiration in his eyes. She liked that he never once protested the way she described him in a more stereotypically feminine way, even when they were much younger.

"You think I'm handsome?" Stiles hummed, brushing some hair away from her eyes. "Hmm, tell me more."

Harper giggled and moved to brush their noses together, a soft gesture they used to do. Before Stiles could press his lips to hers, the sound of the door opening downstairs filled their ears and caused them to both freeze. Harper rolled off of Stiles' body and pulled the covers over her as she tried to hunt around the room for her clothes.

She found her pants and her bra and wiggled them on, followed by the jeans she'd been wearing. Her brown eyes flickered about for her shirt before remembering exactly where it was.

"Stiles," she hissed, interrupting him from where he was halfway through pulling his trousers up. "I left my top downstairs."

Stiles nodded quickly and flung open his chest of drawers, finding dozens of his old clothes. He picked out the one folded neatly at the top and threw it to Harper who caught it effortlessly and pulled it over her head. She glanced at herself in the mirror and almost scoffed at the Star Wars print, tying the front into a knot to make it less baggy on her small body.

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