CHAPTER SEVEN. care about you too.

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( song of the chapter )
another love— tom odell

" i wanna cry and i wanna love
but all my tears have been
used up. "

"Lydia, I don't know what to do!"

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"Lydia, I don't know what to do!"

The strawberry blonde watched through the screen of her iPhone as Harper sobbed on the other end, her eyes rimmed red and her cheeks splotchy from the amount she'd been crying.

Honestly, Lydia wasn't too sure what to do either from where she sat in her home in LA. She hated seeing Harper so upset and knowing there was nothing she could do about it.

"First off, you need to calm down, Harper," Lydia tried to speak as calmly as possible, "Stop getting yourself so worked up before you have a panic attack."

Nodding, Harper tried to listen to her best friend and concentrated on her breathing like she'd been taught to do in the past. Her deep breaths came out shaky and forced, but slowly the brunette was starting to calm down, fewer tears falling from her eyes than before.

"Now you need to get your ass down to the nearest pharmacy and get yourself a test," Lydia instructed, "There's no point in getting yourself so worked up if you don't know if you're actually pregnant yet or not."

Harper shook her head, sniffling. "I'm too young for this shit, Lyds. And I know he's not ready either."

She listened to the Banshee anyway, climbing from her spot on her bedroom floor and moving over to her bag. Lydia stayed on the phone with her all the way to the pharmacy and all the way back, right until Harper heard a knock at her bathroom door.

"I gotta go," Harper whispered, "he's home."

"Good luck, Harps. Text me when you know."

Harper hung up and unlocked the door, rubbing her eyes as she came face to face with her boyfriend. Calum stood there with a concerned look on his face, his brows furrowed. His large hand reached out and he cupped her cheek, tilting her head to look him in the eye.

"Babe, what happened?" Calum worried.

"I- I'm late," Harper replied, "And I've been throwing up lately and-"

"You think you might be pregnant?" Calum gave nothing away with the tone of his voice, but Harper was able to detect excitement and it made her feel even sicker.

There was no way she was ready for a baby, especially with this man. This was not how she had planned for her life to go. She'd only met Calum four months ago and she wasn't even in love with him. She wanted- no, needed- to be in love with the child of her baby. That was important to her.

"Maybe," Harper croaked.

"Why are you crying?" The man swiped some of her hair from out of her face and tucked it behind her ear in a soothing matter. "If you are pregnant then we will get through this together, okay? There's no need to be upset."

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