CHAPTER SIX. the fbi agent and the therapist.

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( song of the chapter )
18— one direction

" i wanna love like you made me feel
when we were eighteen. "

"I hate old people

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"I hate old people."

Stiles chuckled at his girlfriend from where he stood with his back to her, chopping a bell pepper at the counter of their small kitchen. She hadn't even given him a proper greeting yet, but he could tell from the tone of her voice and the way she dropped her bag to the ground carelessly that she was too exhausted to function properly.

"What happened this time?" He asked softly, picking up a slice of the fruit and walking over to her slumped body on the couch, handing it to her.

Harper accepted the pepper with a tired smile, taking a small bite and relaxing slightly in the seat. Her ponytail was messy from work and she smelled of coffee, the shirt on her body becoming home to a couple of stains. That was the usual, though. Harper was too clumsy not to come home without a new marking.

"What didn't happen?" The twenty-two-year-old chuckled dryly, finishing off the slice of pepper and pulling her hair out of its style. "I swear to god, they think we're mind readers or something. I ask if they want a medium or a large coffee and they look at me like I told them they can't go to bingo anymore or some shit."

Stiles laughed at his girlfriend, dropping to the couch beside her and guiding her head to his chest where he started to stroke her hair. It seemed to comfort her, her body slumping against his further and her eyes almost fluttering closed.

"This job isn't forever, remember? And if it makes you feel any better, I'm making your favourite," Stiles told her, "and I bought the right mix this time, so no more curry-flavoured chicken fajitas."

Harper giggled at him and managed to roll her eyes, grabbing his large hand and starting to play with it. Her hand looked so tiny compared to his, and both of them loved it. She twiddled with his fingers for a couple of seconds before intertwining his with hers, their palms connecting. Stiles wrapped his fingers around so that they were holding hands.

"You're the actual best, Sti," Harper yawned, bringing their hands to her lips so she could press a kiss against his. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Probably be going hungry," Stiles shrugged playfully before forcing himself to stand. "You go take a hot bath or something, I'll call you when dinner's ready."

Harper grinned, standing up and grabbing the back of his neck, forcing him down to her height. Before he could even process it, her lips were on his and she was kissing him. Stiles immediately kissed back, his hand holding the back of her head and the other grabbing her waist. Their kiss lasted a few more seconds before Harper forced herself to pull away, peering into his eyes with a loving smile.

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