CHAPTER EIGHTEEN. sixteen again.

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( song of the chapter )
best years— 5 seconds of summer

"but darling, the future's better than yesterday."

Harper blinked and realised she was strapped to a table, her wrists and ankles pinned down

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Harper blinked and realised she was strapped to a table, her wrists and ankles pinned down. The Empath groaned, wriggling in her confined spot in an attempt to free herself, but having no success whatsoever. The last thing she remembered was Kate grabbing her by the throat and leading her out of her father's old office before nothing.

"Hello?" Harper huffed, glancing over her head at her wrists. There was no way she was getting out of those things. "Kate, you psychopathic bitch, just come get the whole evil backstory thing over and done with and move onto torturing me or whatever."

A low chuckle came from behind her, making Harper roll her eyes. How cliche. Of course Kate Argent would give one of her sinister laughs and then come out formed as a werejaguar. The blonde woman's fluorescent green eyes glowed, her fangs prominent in her mouth as she grinned at Harper, moving to circle the table she was tied to.

"I like you, Harper," Kate admitted, "You seem so innocent but as soon as anybody messes with your friends... You just can't help all the sarcasm and remarks that should probably have gotten you killed by now, huh?"

Harper pursed her lips, not knowing what to say to Allison's aunt who definitely had more mental issues than a lifetime's worth of therapy could sort out. The last time Kate had been in Beacon Hills, she'd shot Scott with a yellow wolfsbane bullet and tried to take out the entire pack.

"That loyalty could get you killed," Kate sighed, running a clawed finger along Harper's jaw and making the brunette woman grimace, trying to pull away. "But I don't want to kill you, Harper. You seem like a lovely girl, bringing my niece back from the dead and all."

"Yeah, well..." Harper shrugged her shoulders. "Look, Kate. Why don't you just undo the straps and we can talk like civilised women? No need to fight anymore. The past's in the past, right?"

"Wrong," Kate scowled, grabbing her by the chin and forcing her to look Kate in the eyes. "I need you to bring someone back for me- like you did with Allison."

"I can't," the brunette nearly squealed when Kate dug her claws in deeper, slightly pinching at her soft skin. "I'm pretty sure the Allison thing was a one time only pass. If I could save more people this town would be a hell of a lot fuller than it is right now."

"I knew you'd say that," the werejaguar huffed, taking her claws away. "Anything to protect your little pack."

"I'm telling the tr-"

"Which is why I had a backup plan," Kate cut Harper off, casually reaching over to a jar to the side of her and picking it up. She started to sprinkle the purple dust inside over Harper, making her face scrunch up.

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