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( song of the chapter ! )
always- isak danielson

"say it will be you and me to the old days
through the highs and the lows, we'll be always."

Stiles grabbed Harper, his hazel eyes wide as he inspected every inch of her body, looking for any sign of physical pain

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Stiles grabbed Harper, his hazel eyes wide as he inspected every inch of her body, looking for any sign of physical pain. Her face scrunched up and she leant her forehead on his shoulder for a second before pulling back.

"A-Allison, Stiles," Harper whimpered, "Quick."

The Stilinski man refused to leave Harper behind and instead wrapped one arm underneath her knees and the other around her waist, picking her up bridal style. One of Harper's hands clung to the grey shirt he was wearing as he kicked open the door of the animal clinic and found the huntress herself on the floor, pale and sweaty.

Stiles placed Harper down carefully next to her and then grabbed Allison's shoulders, giving her a gentle shake to make her eyes flicker open. Allison blinked between Stiles and Harper, a groan leaving her rosy lips.

"I don't know what's happening," Allison breathed shakily, "Everything hurts."

"I know, I know," Stiles panicked, glancing over in the direction of Scott and seeing him still in full Alpha werewolf mode, tearing apart the Bubak with everybody else.

Harper tried to focus on disconnecting from Allison and managed to do so within the next minute, putting a mental block in her head that stopped her from doing it again. The shorter brunette reached forward and pushed the hair off of Allison's head.

"You're gonna be okay, alright, Allison?" Harper spoke, but it was almost a plead. "Come on, keep those eyes open. You have a wedding to go to in less than two weeks, remember?"

A bitter smile passed Allison's face but was gone as quick as it came, her entire body shuddering as a new wave of pain hit her. She reached out and grabbed one of Harper's hands and one of Stiles', squeezing them. Harper and Stiles shared concerned glances, knowing their best friend's fiancee was in danger.

Deaton came jogging out with jars in his hands. "I have enough wolfsbane to form a circle around that thing ten times over."

"Cool. Now a little help with Allison please?" Stiles nearly glared at the Druid.

Deaton seemed to jump straight into action, placing the jars down and moving Harper and Stiles out of the way so that he could assess the sick woman.

Loud screams came from behind them, making Harper and Stiles whirl around quickly. Scott held the skull of the Bubak in his hands, blood caking his face and hands and arms, and he dug his hands into the eye sockets and pulled, a loud snap echoing throughout the car park.

He tossed it to the ground where a large pile of bones were, panting as he shared exhausted grins with the rest of the pack.

"Scott," Harper called warily. "It's Allison."

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