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( song of the chapter )
the night we met- lord huron

"take me back to the night we met."

"You like it?"

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"You like it?"

"Yeah, it's nice."

"Are you sure? You don't sound sure."

"Stiles, I love it."

The Stilinski man released a stressed sigh and rubbed his large hand over his forehead, sending the woman beside him a nervous smile. Harper rolled her eyes in amusement and reached up on her tiptoes to grab his hand, forcing it away from his face and around her waist instead. Stiles didn't protest, his other arm moving to join.

"I just want this to be perfect," Stiles murmured as he looked down at her, his hazel eyes twinkling like something out of a romance film. "I don't want us to end up like we did last time."

Harper felt a metaphorical shiver run up and down her spine at the thought. Her lips pursed into a straight line as she shook her head at him, determined.

"Stiles, it's all different now," Harper reassured him. "We were so over our heads last time. We weren't making enough money for rent, we had new jobs, bills to pay, we barely saw each other..." Her voice trailed off before she detached her arms from Stiles and moved back a little. "You know what I think?"

Stiles smiled a little at the perkiness of her tone. "What do you think?"

"We were meant to be apart for a little bit so we could come back together and be even better together," Harper declared. "And I wholeheartedly believe that we're gonna be okay, Stiles, because if the past three years have taught me anything then it's that I can't be without you."

"So this is it?" Stiles gestured around to the empty apartment that they stood in. "You promise me you like this and you're not just saying it to make me happy?"

"Stiles!" Harper whined with a laugh before she realised he was deadly serious and she straightened up, grabbing his hand again. "I promise that I love this apartment and I'm not just saying it to make you happy."

There was a small moment where Stiles squinted his eyes at her, trying to catch her out, but he sensed pure sincerity and broke out into a grin. He reached forward and tugged Harper into a hug, lifting her small frame off of the ground and spinning her around a little as she laughed and smacked his shoulder, burying her face into the crook of his neck.

Some people might call them idiots for planning on moving in with each other so soon. After all, they hadn't even been back together for three weeks yet. However, Harper and Stiles had lived with each other before, they'd grown up together, and they'd been in love since they were sixteen-years-old. Both wanted to move back to Beacon Hills, so it just made sense to them.

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