CHAPTER FOUR. the first warning.

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( song of the chapter )
so bad— brandon colbein

" you break the rules and i'm
the fool who wants you badly
no matter what you do. "

Scott pushed open the door to the apartment that Lydia and Harper were temporarily renting, a grunt falling from his lips as he tried to get Harper's body through the door without hitting her head on the frame

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Scott pushed open the door to the apartment that Lydia and Harper were temporarily renting, a grunt falling from his lips as he tried to get Harper's body through the door without hitting her head on the frame. The brunette had refused to walk only three minutes into their trip back to the apartment, so the werewolf was forced to carry her.

Her eyes were closed and her breathing was steady, but he wasn't sure if she was actually asleep. He studied her face as he led her into one of the bedrooms, settling her onto the mattress as carefully as he could. Her dark hair sprawled out across the pillow and her face scrunched up slightly, her dainty hand reaching out and grabbing Scott's fingers before he could leave.

"Scotty, I saw him," she whimpered, and the brown-eyed-man felt his heart shatter. "I think I just saw Stiles again."

The whole walk over, Scott had just assumed that Harper had been too drunk to process the situation, but she'd been more aware than he thought- and a whole lot sadder, too. Tears strolled down her cheeks and hit her pillow as she sniffled, small sobs escaping her lips.

"He's gone again," she cried, "where is he, Scott?"

"Hey," Scott snapped out of his deep thinking, a soft frown on his face as he quickly brushed her hair out of her face, hushing her. "Hey. It's okay, Harper. Stiles is at my house and he's fine. He's not gone."

"What if that was it?" She started to panic more, much to Scott's dismay. "What if we don't see each other for another three years again? What if I never see him again!?"

The McCall man sat himself down on the edge of the bed and wrapped his arm around Harper's shoulders, pulling her close so that she was resting on him, her hot tears trickling onto his shirt now. He gently hushed her, his hands stroking her hair to soothe her frantic mind.

"Harper, you're still drunk. You need to calm down," Scott wiped some of her tears away, staring at his sister with sympathetic eyes. "Stiles will still be here in the morning, and I'm sure he wants to see you too. He misses you."

"He said that?" Her brown eyes shone with so much hope that it reminded Scott of when she was a teenager and how she could get him or Stiles to do anything with that look.

"What about his girlfriend?" She grumbled.

"Girlfriend?" Scott repeated with an incredulous laugh. "Stiles doesn't have a girlfriend, Harper."

"Mhm, with the golden retriever and shit," she slurred with a yawn, and he could tell that she was going to pass out any minute now.

Scott chuckled, shaking his head as he continued to stroke her hair. "Stiles doesn't have a girlfriend and he doesn't have a dog, Harps. He's only ever loved you."

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