CHAPTER TEN. premonitions.

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( song of the chapter )
lucky i got what i want— jungle

" don't you forget about me
i won't, wont tell nobody. "

"He said that the moths were waiting for the bodies?" Scott repeated in disbelief, staring between his two best friends as if waiting for one of them to crack a smile and tell him that they were just joking

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"He said that the moths were waiting for the bodies?" Scott repeated in disbelief, staring between his two best friends as if waiting for one of them to crack a smile and tell him that they were just joking.

They didn't.

Harper simply sighed as she nodded, her brown eyes looking exhausted from being up all night with Allison. She managed to tie her short hair back into a ponytail and she wore a cute dress, but that was the best anybody would be getting from her today.

"And Lydia, Malia, and Allison said they can't find the book," Stiles added, moving over to the laptop that was on the kitchen counter of his father's house where he was staying. "But Harper and I found something else."

Scott followed the pair, hovering behind Harper as he tried to read the blaring screen. Pictures of moths were on the side with hundreds upon hundreds of words written next to in it in a print so small that Scott wasn't sure he could be bothered to even attempt trying to process it.

"What does it say?" He asked.

Stiles replied, "It's basically an old legend. It's a story about how people in a town all started to die one by one, and by morning their bodies would be devoured."

"By the moths?" Scott shuddered.

Harper nodded, "Yeah, by the moths. But this is a fictional tale, it doesn't mean that's what's going on in Beacon Hills."

Stiles pointed his finger between them both, "But heavily implied."

The werewolf went silent as he processed what he'd just been told, sending a small nod in the direction of the dark-haired adults. Harper waited for his reaction, sensing only a lot of confusion from the McCall man. He scratched the back of his neck.

"I don't know what to do," he admitted, "Deaton's not answering his phone, Lenard won't talk, and the girls haven't been able to find the book yet."

"Is this still the waiting game?" Harper glanced towards Stiles.

"We can't just wait for somebody to die," Scott insisted and Harper wanted to protest and say that's not what she meant, but he carried on talking. "If Lenard doesn't wanna talk, I have other ways of getting information out of him."

Stiles raised his eyebrows, "Torture?" He asked at the same time as Harper questioned, "Fear?"

They both looked at each other.

Scott flicked his claws, "I'm gonna go through his memories."


The Sheriff's station was bustling with life as the three adults pushed open the doors, finding Sheriff Stilinski himself stood by Parrish and demanding orders. Harper frowned as they walked over, the stress and anxiety rolling off of Noah in tidal waves.

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