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( song of the chapter )
big jet plane- angus and julia stone

" gonna hold ya, gonna kiss ya in my arms
gonna take ya away from harm. "

Harper woke up to the feeling of fingers gliding through her hair

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Harper woke up to the feeling of fingers gliding through her hair. Her nose scrunched up a little, a small yawn escaping her swollen lips as she felt and listened to the heartbeat thumping softly beneath her cheek, the skin on skin contact making her feel warm. Everything was silent in the room, the only sounds being Stiles and Harper's steady breathing and the birds tweeting outside.

"G'morning," Stiles' gentle morning voice whispered, making Harper glance up and smile at the beautiful man holding her.

The sheets were tangled around their legs which were intertwined too, her arm thrown around his torso and his stronger arm keeping her frame as close to him as possible. Harper remembered how they used to wake up every day like this when they shared their crappy apartment on the edge of Beacon Hills. She'd missed this so much.

"Morning," Harper replied softly, her long eyelashes fluttering as she sat up a little so she could face him while still leaning on his chest, his fingers still working through her hair. "How long have you been awake?"

"Maybe ten minutes," Stiles shrugged and Harper took note of his scruffy bed hair, a giggle passing her rosy lips. "What?" He said almost self-consciously.

"Your hair," she murmured, her dainty hand reaching out to brush it down. "I can't get over how much it suits you. You had this exact same haircut when you were fifteen, remember?"

Stiles nodded. "Yeah except I never cut it so it was worse than Scott's hair in sophomore year."

Harper laughed, "Your hair was so long your dad begged you to cut it for, like, three months."

The Stilinski man's smile brightened at a mixture of the memory and the laugh that had escaped Harper. His chest vibrated with his own laughter, nodding.

"I remember that. He bribed me with fifty bucks to cut it," Stiles snickered. "And then he gave me another fifteen to go get it cut at the barbers, but I got Scott to shave my head instead and I kept the sixty-five."

The Empath grinned, teeth and all. Her smile was so big that the corners of her eyes wrinkled a little and other lines appeared over her small features, her dark eyes nearly disappearing as she tilted her head back and laughed. Stiles felt his heart swell, his fingers nearly faltering in her wavy locks.

"You always were the smartest out of the three of us," Harper chuckled.

"Well, not really 'cause he wasn't meant to shave it all off," Stiles reminded her. "Scott put the wrong clippers on and he went straight down the middle and all I heard was 'Oh fuck' and my hair is falling into my lap."

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