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Darryl granberry aka Ddg. He's been friends with AJ he's been friends with her for the last 7 years. If she wasn't in he's life. He would never of had the contract with a record label. Ever since he got signed. He's been telling people that he made it to the top by himself.

Interviewer- word on the street says that your friend AJ was the one that helped you get here.

Ddg- nah I got here by myself. All the hard work that i did was worth.

He answer a few more questions and they finished. His mum was standing out waiting to take him home. She gave him the silent

Darryl- ma what's wrong

Ma- you know you acting like a jerk all that AJ has done for you. You just gonna shut her out. I can't even look at you as a son anymore.

Darryl- ma

Ma- don't ma me until you fix your mess that you created you aren't welcome in this house. I don't care if you my done.

He packed his things and went. He has been driving around fir hours until he realised he didn't really have a place to stay. So he went to his recording studio.

Morning come Darryl didn't really sleep properly. His been driving around trying to find a place to sleep boy he couldn't.

It was around 11 am to he had  no other chose to go to his last source. He knocked on the persons door.

Darryl- hi

AJ- what do you want. Shouldn't you be at one of your groupies house trying to get out or something.

Darryl- I stopped doing that a year ago.

AJ - yeah sure whatever.

Darryl- can I um ... Erm ..

AJ- can you what. Your quick to have all of that smack talk on the radio. But you don't have the confidence to speak now. Please I don't have time for this.

She closed the door but he stopped.

Darryl - I need a place to stay for a while. My mum kicked me out of the house my friends aren't my friends anymore. I don't have anymore. Your the last person I can come to please AJ.

She thought about it.

AJ- fine until you find a place to stay.

Darryl- thank you so much I don't know what I could do without you.

AJ- let me show you to your room
Here it is. Since your stay here. Here's the rules no groupies.
Clean the bathroom when your finished and clean your mess. Okay

Darryl - okay

She went to go get the spare key

AJ- here's the key. I'll let you be.

She went to her parents house. No on knows that AJ was P diddys daughter. She left home because he didn't realise that she was at home so she moved out. Quincy knew that she left.

Quincy- hey Alejandra

AJ- hey Quincy

Quincy- I've missed you

AJ - I've missed you too

Quincy- I heard what ddg been doing. He should give you credit. Tell pops.

AJ- I cant. Darryl doesn't even know that I'm p diddys daughter

Quincy - so no one knows your rich

She shook her head no

AJ- I'm just leaving my best in college

Quincy- your graduating soon

AJ- yeah let's not talk about that pops is not gonna show up. He doesn't even know i left. I've been out the house for three years and he doesn't even know.

Christian come.

Christian- hey sis I've missed. Where did you go.

AJ- no where I was at home.

Christian- this Is your home

AJ-I moved out two years ago. Quincy. What did I tell you no one realise that I'm gone. I'm going home.

Justin walked in.

Justin- sup sis how's living by yourself feel like

Aj- how did you know

Justin- I check on you chance and the twins. At night to see if you guys are okay. Especially you. And you know why

Diddy walked in

Diddy- hey boys wassup. Oh shot hi AJ.

AJ- hi pops.

Diddy-where you going.

AJ- I'm going home

Diddy- this is your home

AJ- I moved out two years ago. You would have known if you paid attention

She sighed deeply and walked out and went home.
When she walked inside she found Darryl in the kitchen cooking.

AJ- what are you doing

Darryl- it's the least that i can do since you let me in your home.

Aj- you didn't have too.

Darryl- I know

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