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Darryl- can you teach me Spanish cause you sound sexy when speak Spanish. It just turn me on

AJ- boy move.

Quincy called

AJ- sup Taylor

Quincy- sup Alejandra just called to check up on you. Did you tell him

AJ- yes I did

Quincy - you know his better that Kai

AJ- i know that I'm not gonna talk about my love life. We need to catch you with your non existing one. Okay

Quincy- bye

She hung up

Darryl- babe please teach me some Spanish.

Darryl- please.

Aj- the only time speak Spanish is when i forget english and that's when I'm with the family.

Darryl- when is the next time you go hospital.

Aj- I have to be in the hospital a week before my surgery so that they can check my health than walk me over what's gonna happen. Then my recovery is like a week.  I have to go to the hospital next week.

Darryl- I wish you could have told me sooner.

Aj- I was gonna tell you but only after the surgery. I just didn't want to worry you. I'm sorry for not telling you.

Darryl- I was gonna find out at some point.

Aj- I know. Could you drive me to my pops house tomorrow please

Darryl- sure.


AJ- pops have you seen my hospital bag

Diddy- it's in my closet. On the left corner.

AJ - thanks

As she was packing the boys were talking to Darryl.

Justin- why AJ

Darryl- I've know her since I was 15.

They all heard something drop loudly.

Diddy- AJ.    AJ. Quincy go check on your sister. she knows she can't carry anything heavy.

He when upstairs. When he got upstairs he saw blood on AJ back. When he checked her scar was cut opened.

Quincy- pops!!! Call 911 now!!!!

He was calling them and everyone  saw her in Quincy arms and the saw blood on the floor. Quincy had tears streaming down her face.

Quincy - AJ. I need you sis.

Darryl stood there in shock with tears rolling down. The ambulance come and took her Quincy went as well with her bag that's packed.

Darryl's mum called him.

Tonya- hey Darryl I'm just calling to check up on you.

Darryl - hey mum. Mum. I love you. You know that right.

Tonya- are you okay.

Darryl started to cry

Tonya- what's wrong Darryl.

Darryl- how long have you known AJ for.

Tonya - four years why last time I saw her was 3 years ago. Darryl stop avoiding my question

Darryl- she had an accident at home that cause her to come to the hospital. Ma she had surgery few years back to make her back straight. She fell whiles packing.  when her brother went to check up on her... um ....she was bleeding from her scar she wasn't responding.

His mum was already in the car.

Tonya - send me your location.

He did and she hung up. Quincy saw him. Their was tears running down both their faces.

Quincy- you really do care about her I've never seen a guy cry for her or ask me for help. You best treat her right if you don't you'll end you in here too. I promise you on that one.

Darryl- what did the doctor say.

Quincy- they still in surgery.

Darryl- how you holding up.

Quincy- alright I guess.

Darryl- she's gonna be okay.

Quincy- I know she will

After awhile they were done wilts the surgery. Tonya was with Darryl give him company.
The doctor come.

Doc- the survey was a success. She will be fine it will take 2-4 months for her to fully recover but she will be needing to stay her for two weeks.

Diddy- thanks doc who can we see her.

Doc- in about twenty to thirty minutes.

Diddy - thank you.

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