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She was in her dorm doing her work. Than she got a knock on her door. She got up to see who it was.

Quincy- hey sis

AJ- is he with you.

Quincy- no. He went wondering around

AJ- come in.

Quincy- I went off on pops yesterday.

AJ- why.

Quincy- cause he doesnt know you like I do. He only cares about you when it comes down to you being in the hospital

Another knock on the door. Quincy went to go open the door.

Diddy- hey. I just come to spend time with you and to get to know. Quincy made me realise that I'm not a good father than I thought and that I need to change.

AJ- why did it take you so long to realise that I'm not in the house. I moved out when I was 18 pops I'm almost 21. Nearly three years come pops I did so much within those years. I was able to make someone famous. I was able to travel meet people. I even ended up in the hospital they called you but you didn't answer the phone.
They said I have to have another surgery. Pops where you when I needed you the most. I bet at Christians concert.

Diddy- I.. I

AJ- your what pops. Your sorry for not being there. Well you can't change that past. Nobody knows that I'm related to you and that's one of t beat feels I've ever had. People treat me normally. But sometimes I just wanna spend time with you but you never available.

Diddy- I'm gonna try and be there for you but please move back in the house.

AJ- I'm not gonna move back in. I need my space. I'll stay over once in a while.

Quincy- I miss the late night talks  that we have sis

AJ- yeah we still do that over the phone.

Quincy- it's not the same. When you come back could you just stay for the weekend. Please for me AJ.

AJ- I see what my plans say cause the next time I come back it's gonna be for my graduation shopping.

Diddy- wait wait your graduation soon

AJ- yh I'm going to graduate in a month or two. You didn't care at the time.

Diddy- The first child going to college and graduating

AJ- I've got an exam to revise for so I need you guys to need to go

Quincy- sorry sis. Will go when are you graduating

AJ- June 19th

Diddy- let me cancel my meetings for that day

He went outside to cancel them

Quincy- how your back

AJ- hurting. I can wait to take the supports out.

Quincy- but have you been wearing the back brace

AJ- I have. Stop worrying.

Quincy- the day I stop wearing to the day you have your last surgery.

He come back in

Quincy- lets go before anyone notices us. See you in LA sis.

Diddy-Alejandra. I'm gonna change.

AJ- sure

They left and went back to la

It was 3 in the morning when AJ got a phone call from Darryl and he was drunk.

Darryl- hey AJ

AJ- Darryl it's three in the morning

Darryl- I'm sorry

AJ- are you drunk.

Darryl- I'm not but I have something to tell you.

AJ- Darryl I know when your dunk

Darryl- I'm in love with you.

AJ- Darryl I don't have the time for this.

She hung up.

The morning come.

AJ call Quincy.

Quincy - sup sis what you need

AJ- I need you to go to my house and see if ddg is okay

Quincy- why

AJ- he called me drunk last night.

Quincy- aah I see. I'm going now

Quincy Drive there and he knocked on the door. He opened the door.

Darryl- how can I help.

Quincy- I should be asking you. AJ called me to check up on you. You was the one that was calling her all drunk and shit.

Darryl- yeah um.

Quincy- your in love with her
Aren't you

Darryl - yeah. And I think I told her that last night. But she wouldn't take it seriously.

Quincy- as her best friend. I you need to tell her straight. She likes you but since the things that your doing she hates you at the moment.

Darryl- how can I make her stop hating me

Quincy-first of all she's gonna be coming back soon so you need to keep her house the way she left it. Then apologising.

Darryl - okay

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