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Darryl woke up with a phone call.

Darryl- wassup John

John - sup Darryl you know when you called about looking for a condo week i found one for you.

Darryl - ight what time should I meet you.

John- around one. I'll send you the location

Darryl- thanks man

John- np

End of call. Darryl looked at the time and it was 9:06. He saw AJ sleeping. He realised that they were still naked he got one of his t shirts and put it on her. When he was putting the shirt he realised that she has a scar down her back. When he touched it she whine cause of her back support. She woke up. She looked around and saw him. He was worried.

AJ- what's wrong.

Darryl- how long have we know each other

AJ- almost 8 years why.

Darryl- why didn't you tell me about the scar on your back.

AJ- it's not a big deal. I've had the scar before we met

Darryl- does your dad know

AJ- of course he knows

Darryl- are you going to tell me what happened

AJ- I'll tell you when I'm ready.

Darryl- okay. Let's go.

AJ- lets go where.

Darryl- I found a condo.

AJ- okay.

They both got ready and ate. They left. Darryl was driving in is rolls Royce. John called.

Darryl- sup man where are you.

John- I'm walking up to the crib right now.

Darryl- I'm pulling up now.

John- ight it's on the second floor on the door on the left.

Darryl- okay.

They got there and they go up to the building. They got to the door and knocked John opened.

Darryl- sup

John- sup

AJ walked up to him

AJ- Darryl here's your phone

John - d who's this

Darryl - this is my girlfriend/ best friend

John- this must be AJ. I've heard a lot bout you it's nice to meet you

AJ- it's nice to meet you too

They went in the condo. John knew who AJ was. he did background check in her.

John- yo d why don't you look around I just want to talk to AJ here in the balcony.

Darryl- okay

They went outside.

John- I know who you are combs

AJ- okay and I know who I am too

John- Alejandra rose

AJ- okay how do you know my government name.

John- i have my source. When are you gonna tell him about your back surgery that's come. Or about what your mum did with the money your dad sent and what you had to do to earn money.

AJ-listen here josh ill be the that gonna tell him okay but when I'm ready not when your feel like it okay you best back the fuck up.

John- I like you. No girl has ever stood up to me like that. I won't tell him

Darryl- won't tell who what.

AJ- that if you like this condo o was gonna pay for it.

Darryl- no your not. I know how cheap you are.

AJ got a phone call from Quincy.
When she went to go pick up the boys were talking about her.

John- you got yourself a keeper

Darryl- you did background check didn't you.

John-I'm just looking for friend. So girl ever been real with. She sets boundaries. Why didn't you introduce to her earlier oh yeah you was being an asshole.

Darryl- I know. This morning i found a big scar on her back do you know anything about that when you was doing background.

John- I don't know anything about that sorry.

Darryl- nah man it cool. I want to buy this condo though.

John- i bought it already for you cause I knew you was going to like it.

Darryl- just let me how much I owe you and I'll pay back today.

John- nah man it's all good you bought me my dream car this is the least that I can do.

Darryl- thanks man.

John- no problem

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