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He served her plate.

AJ- thanks.

Darryl- no problem.

AJ- I have to leave tomorrow to go back to Harvard. So I'm gonna be leaving you here if you bring a hoe in my house. I swear I'll fly back here and I'll be the shit out of you understand me.

Darryl- yeah I do.

They finished their food and went to bed. AJ was on the phone to diddy. Darryl heard her arguing

AJ- pops no you don't care at all you only realised now that I don't live in the house anymore you don't know anything about anymore.
Pops I know you don't like me and don't try and deny it.
Pops at this point don't even know. Bye pops.

Morning coming

Quincy come by the house. To take AJ to the airport. Darryl opened the door.

Darryl- Quincy. Your p diddys son how do you know AJ.

Qunicy- ddg?? Right.

Darryl- yeah

Quincy- you need to put respect on her name. She helped out to become the artist you are today.

AJ come down

AJ- lets go.

Darryl- how do you know Quincy

AJ-it's none of your business. Remember what I said. One mistake your out.

They left. They were I'm the car driving.

Quincy- when are you going to tell him

AJ- I wasn't really planning too

Quincy- One day his gonna find out.

AJ- I know.

He left her at the airport. Quincy went back home.

Diddy- where your sister.

Quincy- she went back to college.

Diddy- shes in college

Quincy-you don't know nothing about you daughter do you huh. No wonder why she moved at 2 years ago. Pops she's almost 21

Diddy- I do know my daughter.

Quincy- when's her birthday

Diddy- April 1st

Quincy- that Christans birthday. Her birthday is in September 6th. Pops she tried her best to get your attention until she had enough. She was able to make her friend an artist without your help and your here playing happy family with the six out of seven of your kids.

Quincy walked away. That's when diddy realised that he had to make things right. The last he actually cared about AJ is when she has bad surgery when she was eight. They had to but this cast in her back to make he spine straight. Since that day she had to wear a back braces under her clothes but soon she's gone feel the pain of the cast wanting to come out.

Diddy- Justin

Justin-yeah pops

Diddy - did you know your sister moved out.

Justin- yeah she moved out two years ago. Why

Diddy- i didn't know. Now she's in college

Justin- she goes to Harvard. I went to her room one time and saw the letter that she got accepted. She got a scholarship. Maybe if you take Quincy with you.

Diddy- quincy

He come down

Diddy- we're going on a trip. Pack and don't ask questions we're going for two weeks.

He booked the flights and they were going on the same night.

Few hours later they book a hotel near the campus

Morning come.

They were walking through the campus with security guards. People didn't know what was going on. They were at deans office.

Dean- what can I do for you today mr combs

Diddy- I came here today looking for my daughter.

Dean- what's your daughters name.

Diddy- Alejandra combs

Dean- AJ Combe here she is. She one of the top students that we have here in Harvard. She hustles the student. She get them to get pay her to tutor. If she not in your class that extra. But if you are it's a reasonable price. But right she's in accounting.

The dean took them to her class. The dean knocked on the door and entered

Dean- Professor Jones sorry to disturb your lesson. But we have two guest looking for AJ.

Professor Jones- AJ

Aj- am I in trouble.

Quincy- now we just wanna talk.

She come down and went outside.

AJ- why you here.

Diddy- I came to see how you doing.

AJ-Quincy why is here.

Quincy- i don't know he just told that we going in a trip.

AJ - só this is just to say that your the father of the year. And make people think that your a good dad. Kmt. I'm going back to lesson.

She left.

Quincy - it's gonna be difficult to get her happy.

Diddy- your just tell me now.

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