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It was a week before AJ's birthday.

Darryl- AJ

AJ- yeah

Darryl- What's your dream car.

AJ - it's a Lamborghini truck. A green. One.

Darryl- why green

AJ- why not? But I always wanted a red Range Rover and a black rolls Royce. The one with the stars on the ceilings. But those are the cars that I want.

Darryl- I need to help John with something.

AJ- okay. If you don't find me at home I'm at the entertainment or pops house

Darryl- okay I'll see you later

He left. Darryl need help picking out a car for AJ's birthday. Do went to a car dealership with Quincy and diddy. He met them at the dealership.

Darryl- thanks for meeting me.

Quincy- did you find out what cars she had in mind

Darryl- she said a green Lamborghini truck, a red Range Rover and a black rolls Royce.

Diddy - I say we get all of them let's say one each I take the truck.

Quincy- I take the Royce

Darryl- than I'm left with the range. How we gonna present it to her.

Quincy- we give to her at the house.  

Darryl- okay

The all bought the car and drove it to diddys house. Darryl went to go to the entertainment to pick up AJ. As he walked in Christian walked in with his friend Kai and Ralph. When AJ saw Kai and Darryl together. She started to heavily breath. Christian saw he and he ran up to her. Than Darryl saw what was going on he ran up to her as well.

Christian- AJ where's one inhaler

She point at her pocket.

Christian- here

She took it.

Kai- hi AJ

Christian- how do you know my sister.

Kai- thats AJ. I didn't know.

AJ- Darryl can we go please

Kai- no you can't. Why didn't you tell me.

AJ- it was known of your business. You was to business fucking other girls.

Darryl- his your ex.

AJ- yeah I didn't know he was KC's friend. After we broke up since that day I haven't seen him. And it's been almost two years.

Christian- wait you cheated on my sister.

Kai- it was an accident

AJ- bullshit you did it more than five times. If I didn't find out I would have been with you still. I was to busy with college to know. Until one of the girl you was fucking with come to Harvard and told me.

Kai- can we talk in private.

Aj- I don't want anything to do with you. I just hope you have a nice life.

AJ and Darryl left. He was driving.

Darryl- are you okay

AJ- yeah why.

Darryl- why your angry you tend to shake.

AJ- I'm fine I just need to calm down.

Darryl- baby it's almost your birthday.

AJ- ugh don't remind me I don't even know what I'm doing. I think I'm just going to the company and work.

Darryl- your going to work on your birthday.

AJ- yeah I need the money. I want to go on holiday. I miss back home. I haven't been in years.

Darryl- how long haven't you been back

AJ- almost six years I haven't been back

Darryl- you must be really home sick

AJ- yeah

Darryl- I'm sorry you feel that way why didn't you tell your dad

AJ- i couldn't go back because of my mum. But since she's here I need a break from the us. I've been stressing a lot.

Darryl- let me take care of you

AJ- what

Darryl- you've been taking care of yourself. Let me take care of you. Let me and your family take care of you please

AJ- I'll think about about it.

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