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It was two weeks before AJ graduates. She was just arriving home. When she opened the door she found the house how she left it. When she went to her room she found a note. ' I didn't go to your room but I had Quincy go in there from me. I just wanted to say thank you for everything that you have done for me and I just want to repay you. I just need you to go to the kitchen.'
- Darryl.

When she went downstairs their was a candle and flowers in the table. Darryl was cooking.

AJ- hey

Darryl- you saw the note

AJ- yeah.

Darryl- dinner would be in dew minutes.

Aj - okay.

She sat down. Ten minutes later it was down he made one of her favourite dish. It was Pollo Guisado or Res Guisada (braised chicken or beef) and salad.
AJ was half Dominican her mum left her because she didn't want to look after when she was 14 the rest of her life changed from than when she flew to the U.S

AJ- how did you learn how to make this.

Darryl- I followed this recipe. Please tell me if it doesn't taste good

She tried it and it reminded her of home.

Darryl- is it good

AJ-it reminds me of home

Darryl - AJ.

AJ- yes

Darryl - I've known you for six years. How comes you never talk about your family

AJ- I feel like you would look at me different. But you already did that when you became big Darryl

Darryl- I'm sorry for what I did honestly. I know I fucked things up I know. When I called you last night I know that you thought that i was drunk. I meant in what I said. I'm in love with you. I pushed you away because I didn't want to believe that I loved my best friend. You didn't have to say anything because I already know the answer. You hate me for what I did too you. You have every right to be angry. I just want you to give me a chance.

AJ - you know what I thought I wasn't your type because if the girls you dated. I started to hate you when I saw the Hollywood coming out of you. I want the Darryl that I know that tries to fix things. I don't what ddg. I want the friend that I used to have. Let me think about it.

Next morning. AJ went to her pops house. She sat in the Sofa.

Quincy - tell me.

AJ- I don't know what to do

Quincy- I don't know what your talking about.

AJ- his in love me. But I don't want my feelings getting crushed

Quincy- he finally told you.

AJ- what do you mean he finally told me

Quincy- he told me two weeks ago. Before you come

AJ- why didn't you tell me anything

Quincy- did give him a chance he really likes you. I mean really likes you. And I know you like him too. He can't tell but I can tell you always play with with your hands when you get nervous around someone you like. I remember when you dated Kai.

AJ- you know I hate when your right. Can you just be wrong for once.

Quincy- what can I say your my best friend. And favourite siblings but don't tell the rest.

AJ- I won't.

Quincy- now you should go tell him you'll go on a date with him and you should tell him about us. He should know.

AJ- thanks Quincy.

She left and went home. 

AJ- hey Darryl can we take please.

Darryl- sure. What's wrong

AJ- I gave it a thought and I'll give you a chance.

Darryl- you will

AJ- yeah. Just tell me when.

Darryl- sure what about this Saturday.

AJ- sure but you have to pick me up from my dads house cause he take me shopping for graduation Okay.

Darryl- okay. Thanks for give me a chance.

AJ- no problem

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