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It was AJ's graduation day. She was nervous because her family is come. The paparazzi come shouting diddy. Quincy texted her

' they found us at the airport. Sorry people gonna know about you and Darryl is here.'

To Quincy
'It's fine'

The ceremony started.The dean started to say the names out

Dean-AJ combs

When they heard her name. They started to cheer her on. The dean stopped her than realised that she was diddys daughter.

Dean- miss combs could you come back please

She walked back on the stage

AJ- did I do something wrong

Dean - your dad is p diddy

AJ- yeah

Dean- your tell me that I was talking to p diddy


Dean- we'll talk later

Aj- no we're not

Graduation was done they were walking out their security was struggling to get them out. AJ had a megaphone.

AJ- I need you guys to get back get back and get back

They were going back

Aj- thank you.

They were able to get in car. Quincy AJ and Darryl were in

Quincy- since when did you carry an megaphone.

Aj- I always carry one. In each each that I'm in. So I'm each and every car that at the car have a megaphone.

She put here head in Quincy

Aj- me duele la espalda.

Quincy - you need to tell him.

Aj- No quiero preocupar a nadie más

Quincy- when is it happening

AJ- I don't know. 

Quincy- if you don't say I will say

AJ- no your not.

Darryl- what's going on.

AJ- nothing important

Quincy- yes it is

AJ- no it isn't okay I'll handle it.

They were in the private jet on there way back to LA. They were half until they get to LA. AJ bought Jessie D'lila and Chance's silence to not talk about her surgery before they got on the plane.Darryl went to talk to the girl.

Darryl- hey girls

The girls- hi

Darryl - wassup with your sister.

Chance- what do you mean.

Darryl- she has a scar down her back.

Jessie- we don't know she got here before we was born.

Darryl- you guys never asked.

D'lila- I think I did but I forgot

Darryl - okay thanks.

They landed at LA.

AJ- good job girls.

Jessie - no problem sis.

She walked off. Darryl wanted to know what she's was hiding from.
Before he called John. She also bought his silence.

Darryl- hey john. Are you sure you don't know what happened to her back

John- I don't know anything.

Darryl- ight thanks.

Darryl was at her house. He say her get changed. And she was changing her brace. His hurt broke when he saw the scar. He felt like he was never there for he when she needed him the most but she was there when he need her. He was in the front room crying. AJ heard crying. She come downstairs.

AJ- hey hey why you crying.

Darryl- it's you. I feel like shit you was there when I needed you but I was never there for you. You know me like that but didn't even know your family I don't even know your past. I'm a shit friend. I'm gonna be a shit boyfriend.

He put his head in her shoulder.

AJ- listen you really wanna know.

Darryl-yeah I do

AJ - heads up John knew but I told not him not to tell you. I bought his silence and the girls. Quincy his more patient with me.

Darryl- I knew it

AJ- Im half Dominican because of my mum. she didnt want me because she was an gambling addict. The money that pops sent she gambled with it. So I had to sell drug to pay for school and for me to eat I was doing that at 7. When I turned 8 I flew out here to visit and that's when I got surgery. My spine wasn't straight so I had to get supports. When I turned 14 she kicked me out of the house. She didn't want me anymore.

Darryl- shit. I'm the worst. Baby I'm so sorry. I was confused when you started to speak another language and Quincy understood

AJ- everyone had to learn Spanish because of me whiles I was learning English.

Darryl- can you teach me Spanish cause you sound sexy when speak Spanish. It just turn me on

AJ- boy move.

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