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Darryl called John back.

Darryl- John what you need

John - first off don't pick up whiles you guys are fucking.

Darryl- sorry bro wassup

John- I need a favour from your girl

Darryl- why

John- I cant really say but she will know.

Darryl- babe John needs your help.

AJ- wassup John

John- your pops is the head of bad boys right

AJ- yeah why.

John - could he give me a record deal

AJ- I don't know.

John- how did you get Darryl contract.

Aj - it wasn't with bad boys. I know people that owe me favour. But I'll see what I can do with no promises.

John- and always do you know any dealers

AJ- what do mean by that

John- I need to smoke.

AJ - I have a friend that knows. I'll send his number with a word. If he ask you who sent you just tell em it was me.

John- thanks.

End of call

She sent him a message if the information that he needed.

Darryl- what did he want.

AJ- he want to be part of bad boys entertainment

Darryl- oh okay

Next day.

AJ was at bad boys entertainment because she's part of the account team.

AJ- hey pops.

Diddy - hey AJ what's up

AJ- I know a guy that wants to part of the entertainment.

Diddy- okay. Just give me his number and I'll make my assistant call him for a meeting.

AJ- okay. Vanessa come get this number.

She come and got the number.
AJ had a phone call.

AJ- hey

Skate- did you send a guy here.

AJ- yeah why.

Skate - just to confirm.

AJ- okay and tell him to call me.

Skate- okay combs. I'll talk to you later.

End of call.

Darryl walked into the bad boys entertainment. He asked people where AJ was. He found her walking with an account.

AJ- you need to double check the invoice because the last person that I checked they made a mistake.

Account- sure. Once I'm done can you check it.


Darryl- hey baby girl

AJ- hey Darryl how did you find me.

Darryl -I ask around they called you little boss

AJ- I know.

Darryl- are you almost finished

AJ- let me finish a few invoice and I'm done.

Darryl- ight

Quincy - AJ. Have you see my swea... and your wearing it

AJ- sorry you left it here yesterday and I got cold. I'll give it back before i leave.

Quincy - thanks

Aj- no problem.

After 20 mins she was done with invoices. She started to pack up.

AJ- Vanessa

Vanessa- yes little boss

AJ- where's pops

Diddy- yeah 

AJ- I'm leaving

Diddy - okay get home safe.

When she got home she found rubbish everywhere.

AJ- Darryl

Darryl- it wasn't me. I left it the way you left it.

AJ- than who's in my house.

Her mum come down the stairs.

AJ- what the fuck are you doing in my house.

Diana- I come to see you.

AJ- you smell of alcohol. I knew you never changed

Diana - I want us to have a relationship.

AJ- after this I don't think so. Get out.

Darryl- baby girl calm down.

AJ- no Darryl she does this every time. You can't even look after yourself right now. You broke in my house.

She FaceTimed diddy.

AJ - she broke into my house pops

Diddy- who

AJ- Diana pops how does she know where I live I don't understand. She drunk too. I told you she hasn't changed.

Diddy- okay I'm coming

He hung up. AJ was getting her sober.

Diddy- where are they

Darryl- they in the front room.

Diddy-okay. Diana how did you know where she lives.

Diana- I looked it up on the hospital database. I just thinking that I would know how your living

AJ- só what you can rob me and prawn it for money. You make me sick.

Diana- I'm your mum


Diana- AJ

AJ -CERCA ESTOY HABLANDO. la ?nica persona que era madre era la madre de Kim. Nunca serás mi madre porque eres una perra egoísta que solo piensa en sí misma. es culpa de cleanjng para sí mismo y sólo para hacer que yourseld se vea bien.

Darryl- baby calm down

AJ- no she's ruined life. I want you out now. I'm going to do a counted down

Diana- no please down do this I'm begging you I just trying to the mother I was suppose to be.

AJ- well you had your chance and you fucked it up. Now after I finish counting down from 10 you should be gone. Okay.

She turned around.


She turned back around and she was gone. AJ has tears coming down.

AJ- I hate this.

Darryl- we here for you okay. Your not alone.

AJ- I've been feeling alone for years.

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