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AJ started to open her eyes and all she saw was white.  She looks around and she sees Darryl sleeping and Quincy on the other side. Everyone was in the canteen   AJ wanted to press the button but her back was hurting she took of her mask

AJ weakly - Quincy.

He opened his eye and they were red.

Quincy- hey sis how you feeling

AJ -sore

Darryl woke up. He had the biggest smile on his face

AJ- have you guys been crying.

Darryl- yeah. We was scared as hell when you dropped. You was their in the floor with blood on your back.

Quincy - I'll go get the others and the nurse is coming.

He left.

Darryl- I'll be lost without. You've always been there when I need. And I was going to regret it that I didn't pay you back.

AJ- you don't have too. It's fine.

His mum come in.

Tonya - sweetheart it's not fine. Darryl has been a asshole for the way that he's been treating you.

AJ- ms granberry im used to it. The way my mum treated me doesn't match his.

Tonya - you need to call me Tonya.

They both smiled at each other

AJ- I rather not ma'am.

Tonya- I swear on your grandma's grave if you fuck this relationship up. I promise you. Your going to regret it.

AJ - wow

They all come in and the nurse and doctor.

Doc- miss combs you know the drill

AJ- yeah I have to be here for two weeks. I'll fully recover between two to three months.

Doc- you know the drill.

AJ- mmmhm

He left. They were talking about how they got scared because of what happened and how she had to ask do help next to getting something. Quincy and darryl was going to take turns on who is going to stay with AJ. Darryl stayed.

AJ- Darryl

Darryl- what's wrong.

AJ- I think I saw my mum.

Darryl- what

AJ- I saw her she was one of the nurses

She started to heavily breath. She started to get a panic attack the doctor come with two nurses. Her mum was one of the nurses.

AJ- I don't want you near me.

Diddy come in.

Diddy- Diana. Could we get a new nurse please.

Doc- sure

Diana- please you can't do this shes my daughter.

AJ- I'm not your daughter the way you was trying me back home. And now you have the audacity to call me your daughter.

Diana- bebé por favor soy tu madre

AJ- No eres mi madre. se supone que las madres deben cuidar de sus hijos, pero no lo hiciste. la verdadera madre que me llevó y me adpoted fue mamá kim

Diddy- Diana the girl clearly does want to see you. Just leave.

Diana- fine I just want to be in your life

AJ- should thought about that before you kick me out.

One month later

Darryl - Baby how's your back doing sis

AJ- it's a bit sore.

Someone knocked on the door diddy was near the door so he opened the door.

Diddy- I don't know if she wants to see you.

Diana come in.

Diana - ale....

AJ- woooo woooo we know about to state government names right now.

Diana - please can we just talk

AJ -no.

Diddy - AJ please just talk to her

AJ- fine. Let's go outside.

Diana - I know what I did was wrong. I should have looked after you I should have never of move. I've been clean for 5 years now. It was hard but I did it to show you that I'm trying to be the mother I should have been to your.

AJ - you know what's funny. You risked my chances of never walking for your needs and wants. I had to sell drug so that I can food in my bed and to fly myself out of here when I was 13. I know how to look after myself and you. I didn't want to see you overdose. But you know what Diana. I honestly don't need you in my life you can go back to what you was doing okay.

Diana- but I want to be in your life I want to make up after all these years of pain that I cause you. Please. Let have a chance

AJ- I'll think about it.

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