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The next day they diddy dragged himself out of bed to go to the police station. Until he got a phone call.

Diddy - hello

???- I'm fine

Diddy-who's this

???-your daughter.

She hung up

He went flying to the police station.

Diddy- officer. She called

Police officer- when did she call.

Diddy- before I come her.

Police officer- do you know the number.

Diddy- I don't.

Police officer- I think your hallucinating it sir. I think you should get some rest.

Diddy went back home went he saw her AJ standing out but he thought he was hallucinating it. So he went inside the house AJ went to Tonya's house where Darryl is staying at.

Knock knock.
She opened the door and she saw AJ.

Tonya- no. AJ

AJ- yes miss Tonya. How you doing.

Tonya- I'm worried sick about you that's how I'm doing.

AJ- I'm going explain everything at pops house. If that okay with you

Tonya- it's okay.

AJ- hey tee tee.

Tee tee- thank god your back. You can get my brother to how he used to be.

She smiled.

Tonya- he's in his room. He hasn't come out since you left.

AJ nodded her head. She knocked on his door.

Darryl- mum got away. Or tee tee

AJ- I'm not either of them to.

He recognised the voice. Slowly he got up and opened the door. He saw AJ standing at his door.

AJ- hi I'm sorry for leaving that.

He got a out of his room and just gave her a hug.

Darryl - I'm glad your safe please don't leave like that again

AJ- I won't.

He let go

Darryl- where were you

AJ- I cant tell you. You need some fresh air it looks like you've been in your room for the longest.

Darryl- after you left i didn't want to leave my room

Aj- I need to go and talk Quincy.

They drove to her pops house. When he opened the door.

Diddy- aj. Is that you.

AJ- yeah pops

He just hugged her.

Aj- pops I'm fine. I called you remember.

Diddy- the pops said inward tripping.

AJ- I called to tell you that I'm fine. where's Quincy

Diddy- in his room. He only come down to eat and have showers.

She went and knocked on his room door.

Quincy - go away

AJ- okay I'll go.

He recognised the voice. He got out of his room and he saw AJ near the stairs

Quincy- AJ

She turned around

AJ- yeah.

She saw the tears in his eyes and that made her cry. She went to go hug him

AJ- I'm so sorry I did this to you again. But I'm safe

Quincy- I'm sorry I know you hate seeing people get hurt. I should've never done what I did to Kai. You disappearing again shit hurts. The first you did that is when you moved out and now this. You should talk to me about.

AJ- sometime you don't listen.

Quincy- I know I don't but I do it for a reason.

Quincy- could you please just communicate with me next time

AJ- I will

Diddy- you need to go down to the police station

They drive down there

Police officer- where were you because we had different locations for you.

AJ- I feel dont like answer the question but I have to cooperate with you guys. I was in Boston. I had a few people that owes me favours so I cashed them in. Done bother to asking names because I don't know there government.

Police officer- can you describe them so we can locate them.

AJ- you won't be able to find them cause I've tried alright. They go off the grid so I won't bother looking for them.

Police- thank younger your time miss combs

AJ- no problem.

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