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He left his mums house and bought all the snacks that she likes and went back to her house.
He found her sleeping. He saw the time and he realised it was late so he got in.

In the middle of the night. He found the bed empty. But the bathroom light was on he overheard AJ on the phone.

AJ- I just want to disappear. If I stay here people get hurt.
That's not the point.
Just listen your the only person the knows where it is. Just get quiet okay.
I can't tell you that nobody needs to know.
Okay bye

He didn't know what the phone call was about but he wants to know. He went back to bed. Little did he know she was leaving that now.


Darryl woke you and there was a note.

Darryl I know that your confused. I just need to go I'm still angry in what you didn't I was going to tell them. I just need to think. I'm not breaking up with you. I just need to get my shit together if I don't come back within a week you should get worried.

- love AJ

He went to diddys house to show the note.

Quincy - she just left.

Darryl- yeah I heard on the phone last night. She said if she just disappeared people won't get hurt.

Quincy- she's angry at all of us. For beating up Kai.

Christian- we just have to wait a week to see what's going

Darryl- what do we if the weeks up. She said we should be worried

Quincy- than we go to the police.

Darryl- what if she's hurt.

Diddy- she's not gonna be hurt. She's gonna be fine

Darryl- why would she leave like that.

Diddy- the same why she left this house the first time. But different.

Darryl- I made her leave.

Quincy - we not sure about that.

Darryl- it is

Quincy- its not. she left you a note. She never did that with me. She just left after three weeks she told me that she left. Imagine being her brother and not knowing where she is. At lest know she's going to be safe for a while.

Darryl- what if she doesn't come back.

Quincy grabbed his shirt and pushed him against the wall.

Quincy- listen here she's gonna come back I know my sister. She just needs time to get herself together if she doesn't come back  within a week.

He let go of him

Quincy - I'm sorry if I lose her. I'm losing my best friend. I lose apart of me. She's been through shit.

Quincy got mad that he punched the wall.

Darryl- you know she wouldn't like you being like this. She would want us to safe and caring about one another instead of hurt that why she left the less people getting hurt the quick she comes back.

Quincy- she should come home

Diddy- I know you guys are worried about your sister. She'll come to her senses We aren't gonna tell the girls. We just going to tell them she went to business aboard.

Christian- what are we going to tell Diana

Quincy- the truth

Diddy- no. Not yet.

Darryl- than what are gonna to.

Diddy- we gonna wait it out. We don't want to worry her.

Justin- she's gonna find out. Soon or later

Diddy- don't you think I know this.

Darryl- we should tell her.

Diddy- not yet.

Quincy- she would want to spend time with AJ you know that right. They patched things up.

Diddy- shit

Darryl- oh snap I forgot. She left this necklace.

Quincy- I gave her this necklace. She never takes it off

Darryl- what does this means

Quincy- I don't know

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