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Skip the whole trip

They've been back from the Dominicans for a week and what AJ told Darryl about her miscarriage still stuck on his mind so he called diddy Quincy Justin and Christian.

KC- sup Darryl. Is everything okay is our sister.

Darryl- yeah she's fine. But

Diddy- wants wrong.

Darryl thought about it put he promised her that he wasn't going to say.

Darryl- never mind sorry for wasting your time.

Quincy- Darryl sit down you and AJ do the some face when you guys have something on your mind that you can't get rid off

Darryl- she told me not to tell you.

Justin- that more of a reason to tell us.

Darryl- Quincy did she ever tell you she had to go to the hospital. Two years ago

Quincy- no why. What happened

Darryl- she I'm got pregnant. And it was Kai's but she had a miscarriage.

Christian- wait what.

Darryl- she told that when she found out he was cheating the had an argument. And he pushed her and she fell on a table.

Quincy- that's why she was mood. And in her medical records I saw it correct.

Diddy- how many weeks was she

Darryl - two months.

The all got up and the left the office. They went looking for AJ. Until they found her leaving an office. They didn't say anything they just picked her up. Christian saw Kai walking in with Ralph. Christian punched him. He fell so he dragged him his Justin. They went to another office that was empty.

AJ- what's going on

Darryl- I cant keep the promise. I told them.

Aj- why. You told me you wasn't.

Darryl- AJ I care about you. When you told that shit broke my heart. I had to say something.

Quincy - why did you tell me

AJ- cause I knew you'll get angry. If I didn't tell anyone no one get hurt.

Quincy- but you got hurt.

AJ- I know

Kai- why didn't you tell me

AJ- cause I was scared.

Quincy- go outside.

She left the office. Justin come after he sat next to her.

Justin- you should had said something to Quincy.

AJ- I know. Are you guys angry at me

Justin- how can we be angry with you it wasn't your fault.

AJ- what they going to h.....

They come out and there hands were bust.

AJ- why

Christian- he hurt you badly

AJ- but you didn't have to hurt him.

Quincy- no one can hurt you. You already been hurt a lot.

Kai struggling to walk.

Kai- they are right. You've been hurt way too many times. This time it should be someone else. I'm sorry i made have a miscarriage.

AJ- can I go please

Darryl drove her home. When they hit inside the house. She didn't talk to him she got a bowl and cloth. She went up to him and grabbed his hand and cleaned the blood that was in his hands.

Darryl- are you mad a me

She just looked at him

Darryl- I'll take that as a yes. But I had to. It was bothering me I couldn't just leave it alone. AJ please talk to me

She just walked off. Darryl hates AJ being angry. He knocked at her door.

Darryl- I'm gonna give a bit of time to be by yourself. I'm coming back.

He went to his mum house. Darryl walked in.

Darryl- hey tee tee

Tee tee- hey Darryl. Where's AJ

Darryl- she's at home. Where's mum

Tee tee- she's in her room.

He knocked on the door.

Tonya- come in.

He walked in and closed the door.

Darryl- hey mum.

Tonya- hey Darryl what's wrong

Darryl- umm how do I get AJ not to be angry at me.

Tonya- what did you do.

Darryl- when we was in her birthday trip. She told that when she was breaking up with her ex she was two months pregnant but she had a miscarriage. He pushed in the top. And she told me not to tell her brothers send her dad but there was something tell me that I had to tell them. Then I told them. We roughen him up a bit. She didn't want none of this to happen.

Tonya- you should've just respected her wish maybe she wanted to tell them herself.

Darryl- I know. I should of. I hate her being mad at me. I left her house to give her space.

Tonya- do something that she may not resist.

Darryl-okay. I'll see what I can do.

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