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Darryl's nightmare

Police officer come to his house and knocked on his door.

Police officer- are you AJ combs boyfriend

Darryl- yes officer what's going on.

Police officer- May we come in

Darryl- yes. Come and sit.

Police officer - we are sorry to inform that AJ combs is jdead.

He woke up from that nightmare and look around. He looked down and he saw that she was sleeping. He started to move a lot because he couldn't get back to sleep. AJ woke up

AJ- hey you okay

Darryl- yeah I just had a bad dream that's all

AJ- about what.

Darryl- it was about you. How the police come and say how you died. It's not the first time me have this dream. I had it a few time

She sat up and turned on the lamp. He also sat up.

AJ- look. I'm not going anywhere I'm gonna be here with you guys
I know I made you guys worried as hell. I know John called me almost everyday say that I need to come back I just couldn't. When people push me away. That means people don't need me. When I left again that's when people started care about me. People started to know me.

Darryl- listen I've always needed you. I just didn't want to admit it. I was a coward for that. I'm sorry  

AJ- I'm sorry.

Darryl- night baby girl

AJ- night Darryl

In the morning

AJ was cooking whiles darryl having a shower. She stopped cooking so she could throw up. Darryl heard her come in.

Darryl- baby you good.

AJ- yeah I just think i ate something bad.

Darryl- you sure.

AJ- yeah.

As the day was going on darryl went to the studio to record his new song. She went down to her dads to see everyone but when she entered the house. She need to vomit.

Quincy- sis you good.

AJ- I don't think so.

Quincy- let go and get you checked out.

AJ- no. I told darryl I was fine.

Quincy- clearly your not.

He picked her up and took her to the hospital. They checked her out and they were just waiting for the results.

Doctor- AJ combs

AJ- here

They went to the room.

Doctor- we have your results and your 8 weeks pregnant.

AJ- wait a minute did I hear correct so your telling that I'm having a baby.

Doctor- yes ma'am. Some people have different ways of having symptoms.

AJ- Quincy how am I gonna tell pops.

Quincy - that all you sis.

They got home and the sat on the island looking at each other. She called darryl to come over.

Quincy - how you gonna say it.

AJ- I don't know.

Darryl come through the door.

Darryl- hey what's up with you. You look like you have something to say or you have a secret.

She made everyone come around the island.

Diddy- what's wrong.

AJ- um you umm you know I'm your daughter and you love me

Diana- yeah

AJ - I'm. Pregnant.

It went silent tears rolled down her face they all hugged her.

Diddy-why you crying.

AJ- I don't know you guys just looked at me with a blank faces

Darryl- thats why you've been acting like this. How far you

AJ- two months.

Diddy- I'm finally have a grand baby.

They all celebrated

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