Chapter 7

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       *Normal P.O.V*




You looked behind you to see if Sasuke was still on your tail. He was around the corner not that far from you. You sped up just a little faster, to leave him in the dust barely. A person with red triangles on his face and a hoodie on his head was walking by an open janitor's closet.

Having the pupper in hand, you knew you had to make a decision before he catches you.

Without warning, you pushed the guy into the closet, gave him the cute pup, and closed the door leaving him confused as heck.

You ran away from the closet and went into Kakashi-Sensei's classroom. 

 "What brings you here, miss (L/n)," Kakashi said with his nose in his book. "Nothing much just wanted to get book recommendations," you said under your breath, "that was close."

"What was close?" Kakashi heard you with his nose still in his book.

"Some weird duck-hair-looking kid was chasing me for no reason," you said looking at what the teacher was reading. "Alright is that all, just book recommendations?"

"Yeah, that I-,"

*Sasuke's P.O.V.*

I slid open the door to 2-C, Kakashi's classroom, panting. "Damn your fast," I said still out of breath.

"Damn you out of shape," I stuck my tongue out at her and she returned the favor. 

 "Oi Sasuke, this is rare I'd never seen you chase a girl before," Kakashi said still nose in the book. "And this the last time you'll see me ever chase a girl," I said crossing my arms. 

"Just saying it's rare, in my opinion, I think you two would make a great couple."

"That would be a nightmare," she said gaging. "For once, you're actually right," I said as she rolled eyes at me.

"But Kakashi-sensei you know who would make a greater couple-"

"Miss (l/n) you don't want another detention do you?" She frowned at Kakashi-sensei's words. 

 I snatched the bag out of her hand, "Now, what kind of animal is in this bag?" She blushed uncontrollably as I unzipped the bag pulled out a...




pair of animal printed panties???...?? WHa-??

I looked over at her confused and saw embarrassment all over her face. A familiar pink tent came across my face. 

     "See? Nothing-g out of the normal, pervert-t," she stuttered. She snatched the bag and her underwear out of my hand. "Sasuke, you should never go into a girl's belongings without her permission I'm surprised she didn't slap you already," Kakashi waved his finger.

    He gently grabbed (F/n)'s wrist before she slapped me and said, "Miss (L/n), there should be no physical violence on school grounds." She sighed, "Yessir, but can Sasuke at least help pick up my belongings out on the hallway...for payback?"

"Sure and about the book recommendations, I don't think you should be reading my kind of books now run along."

"Yessir," we both said as we went out of the classroom.

  *Normal P.O.V*

     As you two exit the room both of you see the disaster left behind. "Well, we should get to work before the bell catches us," you picked up some of your belongings and placed them in the bag as Sasuke did the same.

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