LA Here We Come

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After a Full day of packing you get changed into these PJs

After a Full day of packing you get changed into these PJs

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And you get a text from Nick

Nick 🤤😍
Can't wait to meet you and your sisters

I cant wait to meet you  

Nick 🤤😍

Same I miss you already 

Do you want to call


*Nick's Point Of View*

I texted Dani and said that I can't wait to meet her but ik we haven't meet before but I feel like I'm falling for her and not as friends I feel like I'm falling in love with Dani already and it's so hard to see her only on Instagram and over the phone when I want to be with her right now. So I ring her an we talk all night then she falls asleep and man she looked so hot 

*Back to Dani s Point Of View*
Me and Nick stay on FaceTime for ages but I end up falling asleep but I didn't mind I felt safe with him an I can't wait to see him tomorrow

I get up Bright and Early or you thought you check your phone and its 12:30pm You freck out but then You see Nicks face and you suddenly feel your heart slow down 


she Yells at you from your door 

Dixie: It's to eaRlY charli

Charli: No it's not its exactly 12:31pm in the afternoon We need to go 

so Me and Dixie get changed 

I get changed into a black jump suit with a Checkered sweatshirt and White converses 

Dixie get changed into a White T-shirt ripped black eans and a checkered sweatshirt 

and Charli Gets changed into a small Flowery dress 

*After 2 Hours you get to the airport*

You all take pictures outside 


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