30:Love whats That ??

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You and Avani get ready for bed then she says goodnight and you say it back then Tony walks into the Bathroom
Tony: So you and Patrick
You: Yeah
Tony: Break up with him
Tony: Because he is a cheater okay
You: NO I CANt
Tony : Yess you can
You: He makes me happy Tony and I'm sorry but You Can't make me
Tony: I know but
You: No Buts
Avani: Tony what are you doing here
Tony : Nothing I was just leaving But keep that in mind Dani
You: No tOnY
He slams the door behind him
Avani: Okay what just happened
You: he doesn't Trust Patty with me He thinks he is a Cheater
Avani: So jealously??
You: I hope so
You say your final bye to Avani and go to your room to see No one there So you go into Alex and Kouvrs room To see Patrick Fighting with Kouvr over Clothe hangers  and TBH it was really funny

Kouvr: Can you tell your Boyfriend to stop
Patrick: Are you permanently on your period Kouvr
You: Okay to far Patty lessgo
Patrick: Okay I'll come soon
So you wonder back to your room wondering when or if Patrick was coming or not then you get a ping from your phone and ignore it then another one and again you ignore it until you give in and then instant regret fills up inside of you
I shouldn't of opened that notification

A/n hey guys this is the new chapter sorry it's so short I had a Mind blank so I tried again and again till I got this peice out so please don't be angry at my I'm so sorry for not being as active as you guys would please

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