37. The Reuioun

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You go up to the Door and Knock And ....


Jaden Hossler

Jaden: Oh my god Your Prettier in Person 

You: Awww thank you Jadz

Jaden: Jadz Love it 

You guys Hug for awhile Then Cynthia Interupts 

Cynthia: Ummmm Guys I'm Still here 

You: Ohh Yeah Sorry C

Jaden: I think you Already Know most the Sway Boys But Here is Griffin he's the Dad of the House and That Guy Over there Josh Richards He is 18 , Sitting on the Couch is Kio Cyr he Is 19 and Thats Bryce Hall shotgunning a Red Bull he is 20 and Upstairs Is Quinton.

You: Wait Quinton 

Jaden: Yeah Why 

You: Where is He

Jaden: Doing a Tiktok Upstairs 

You: Get a Camera 

Jaden: 'Grabs Camera' Got one But why 

You: Me and Quinton go way Back we Were Friends All through Middle School But then He Moved In 10th Grade and  We Fell out of Contact 

Jaden: Small World 'turns On camera' So This is Dani Yess Dani Damelio and Her and Quinton go way Back so we Are Gonna Surpirse him 

You: Come on Lesgo 

You tiptoe up the Stair To see him on top Of his Bed He looks Up And Runs To you And You Leap into his Arms Adn He Starts Crying and So do You 

You: You Miss me 

You say Mumbiling into his Shoulders

Quinton: Yesss.    He says Sniffling 

You kiss His Cheek and He kisses Yours then Puts You Down 

Quinton: I Can't Beleive your Here. He Hugs you again 

Jaden: Hate to Ruin the Moment But lets Go swimming

You: One problem I don't have A Swinsuit or A Bikini 

Jaden: I Probably Do 

You: Sweet Where

Jaden: My Room 

You : Okay Meet you Guys In the Pool

Jaden & Quinton: Yep 

You Go upstairs And Try to Find Jadens Room but you Walk In on CYNTHIA & KIOO Making out 

You: Sorry Guys 

Kio: It's not What it looks Like Dani 

You: Yep Okay Bye. 

EWWWWW  I thought Cynthia Was Talking To mattia and Kio Was With This Olivia Hottie  you Eventually Find Jadens Room and Search For a Bikini And YOu Find One On get changed 

EWWWWW  I thought Cynthia Was Talking To mattia and Kio Was With This Olivia Hottie  you Eventually Find Jadens Room and Search For a Bikini And YOu Find One On get changed 

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and Where Jadens Shirt and Your Shorts Over 

So now you Go To The Pool Where Everyone Is Waiting And You Look Over to see Nessa And Avani and WHat Looked Liked Kio's GF 

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So now you Go To The Pool Where Everyone Is Waiting And You Look Over to see Nessa And Avani and WHat Looked Liked Kio's GF 



They all Run to You And You Guys All Group Hug 

You: I'm Sorry Not to Be Rude But Are you Olivia Ponton

Olivia: Yess That's Me 

You: Your Dating Kio Right

Olivia: Yes I Am He is Mine 

You: Ohh Righttt

Avani Gives Me a Look not a Mean One like A 'We Need Yo Talk Look ' 

You: Hold On I'm Gonna Get Some Water 

Avani: Me Too

You and Avani Walk Into the Kitchen And Both grab Out a Water each 

Avani: What happened Out there

You: What Do you Mean ?

Avani : What Happened You Know Olivia Already 

You: I Know 

Avani : Soo What Happend 

You: iwalkedinonkioandcynthiamakingout

Avani: Huh 

You: I walked in on kio and Cynthia Making Out 

Avani Stood their In shock 

Shit what Have I Done He is gonna Hate me Now 

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