33. Not My Month

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Jaden: You Sure Do


You start to Blush and So Does Jaden

This Boy Has Really got me Hasn't He 


You and The others Stay in silence for lke 5 minutes then the Door bell rings 

Bryce: Well thats the Other Boys 

You: What do you mean Other Boys

Josh: My Boys 

Josh Goes over and  Opens The Door And You see Payton Moormeier , Kairi Consentino , Alejandro Rosario and Mattia Polibio 


Mattia: Sup 

Payton: My Man 

Jaden: This is Dani / Danielle Damelio, Dani this is Payton,Kairi , Alejandro and Big boy Mattia 

You: Hi 

Payton: So this is The Girl That Jaden won't Shut up abo-

Quinton: Well I Mean She is Basically Perfect 

You: Your Quite the Charmer Quinton aren't you 

Jaden: Stick to Cynthia Quinton

Quinton: We aren't Together Dude 

Jaden: Sure Sure 

You: Guys enough 

Alejandro: You are So Pretty Tho 

Kairi: Agreed 

You: AWWW you guys

Payton: Mattia Your really Quite

Mattia: huh Yeh

Jaden: Dani Come on You need to Unpack 

You: Okay Coming Nice meeting you Guys 

Quinton: Do you Need some Help With the Bags Da-

Jaden: Nope She is Fine Quinton 

You: Thanks Quinton but I Have got it 

Is Jaden seriously getting jealous right now I Mean It's just Quinton 

Jaden : So How long are you staying for ?

You: Until This situation Settles down Idk I feel like I don't Fit in at The Hype House I feel more at Home here To Be completely Honest 

Jaden: You Do Know you are welcome to stay For as Long as You Please

You: Thanks Jay 

Jaden: Your Welcome Cutie 

Did he Just Say that 

after unpacking everthing you Get ready for Bed  and you Chuck on 

and do your Nightly Routine And Notice tht An Unkown Caller Keep calling you But You Ignore it Then go into the Room and See Jaden Lying on the bed Shirtless with Grey sweatpants On and you immediately Blush uncontrollably

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and do your Nightly Routine And Notice tht An Unkown Caller Keep calling you But You Ignore it Then go into the Room and See Jaden Lying on the bed Shirtless with Grey sweatpants On and you immediately Blush uncontrollably

Jaden: You Okay there 

You: Yeahs

Jaden: Come Here 

You: Okay 

He Pulls you into a Warm hug then Bryce comes in And Interupts It 

Bryce: Woah Sorry 

You: You do know there is something Called Knocking 

Bryce: I'm Sorry Dani I Need to talk to Jaden For a Bit is that Okay 

You: Yeah Bye Jay 

Jaden: Bye Bub 

You: Bye 

You walk downstairs To see that Nessa was here 



You guys Hugs until you hit the Ground And You drop a Couple of tears Since you haven't seen eachother since Hawaii 

Nessa: I Missed my Gurl and I Heard what Happen Not your Month Aye ?

You: No Apparently not 

As you Say that You get a Text from Dixie and Charli saying That they are coming Over to Sway la But Why I fit in here way more than I ever will at The Hype House 


You: Thats Them 

You Go over to the Door to see That Charli And Dixies Eyes were Puffed up and Red 

You: Guys whats Wrong 

Charli: Can We come in to Tell you

You: Okay 

You guys all sit down and Nessa joined for Support 

Dixie: Umm This is Hard to explain

You: Just say it Please your Making Me Worry 

Charli : It's Mum And Dad 

Dixie: They Were on a Plane To see Us When It Crash and We umm Lost Them 

You: No No No This isn't Happening 

You Ball your eyes Out And Nessa does As well then Charli and Dixie Start Again 

 Nessa: I'm So sorry Guys

You: Wait How do you Guys know that They Passed Away 

Dixie: Because The Medical Person Who discovered them Called us and Said that They Couldn't get A Hold Of You

Omg my Phone was Going off in the Bathroom from An Unknown Caller that Was The Doctor Wasn't It 

You: Omg Nope I can't

you run Up to the Room forgetting that Jaden and Bryce were talking 

You: Sorry 

You say Between sniffs 

Jaden: Whats Wrong 

Bryce: I 'll Leave you 2 Alone 

You: Mum -- And Da-d Passed Aw-ay in A Pla-ne Crash Jadz 

Jaden: Oh My God I'm So SOrry Dani 

He pulls You into a Hug And Kisses Your forehead as You Cry Onto his Bare Shoulder

We just Lossed our Parents and I got Cheated on  and Chase Abused us Wait CHASE who the Fuck is THAT 

769 WORDS 


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