5. Prep to go on the Trip

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You And Nick get Up out of bed and you give him a peck on the lips

Me: Im going to have a shower

Nick: I'm coming 

So you guys get into the shower and You Wear 

So you guys get into the shower and You Wear 

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But With these shoes

But With these shoes

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And this Make up

And this Hair But your hair colour 

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And this Hair But your hair colour 

And this Hair But your hair colour 

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And Nicks Outfit

With The same Shoes as You 

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With The same Shoes as You 

Avani: Is It Okay to come In 

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Avani: Is It Okay to come In 

You: Yes

Avani: Okay we leave In 3 hrs so C'mon Pack 

You: Can You Plz give me a hand Avani?

Avani: I thought you would never ask 

so it Takes 1 and a half hrs to pack Everything & you have to be at the airport in 30 minutes so you guys decide to leave early so We could all do photos and  Eat Before the plane


You Just Arrived at the Airport 

Nick: Hey Dani I need to tell you something

You: Sure What is it 

Nick: Im scared o planes 

You: Ohh honestly Same bebe 

Nick: Wait Really 

You: YES

Nick: Okay so we do this together Lets Face Our Fear 

You: Agreed

Charli: Okay come On lets Go to Dunkin Donuts 

Everyone: Yess 

You And Nick Intertwine fingers and Walk to dunkin Donuts Together 

All Of us Get Coffee and Donuts and then It Was time to Board to Plane to Hawaii And You And Nick Get seats Next to eachother And End Up Falling asleep on eachother Still Holding hands

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