41. Friends Dont look at friends That Way

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He rips the Frame Apart and Gives it to me And I Wedge the Door open to Reveal Olivia On the Ground With Severe Cuts On every Limb Out of anger I say This



Her eyes Flutter adjusting to the Light

Olivia: Wait I'm still here

You: Kio you have Done enough damage

Kio: I Know


Kio storms Out of the bathroom

You: Why did you do that Olivia

Olivia: Because it makes Me feel better 

You: I Know it does but it helps to talk to someone 

Olivia: I Tried no one gets it 

You: Try ME 

Olivia: R u Sure 

You: yep go im all ears 

Olivia: Well ever since I started dating Kio I feel Whole and I haven't felt like this before but I feel like opening Up about my past to him Is gonna effect our Connection 

You: OHH and What else your hiding something 

Olivia: Wait how did you know 

You: trust me I'm a Expert at that so... What is It 

Olivia: The Hate that I Get Sucks 

You: I Know it really does but YOUR so Fucken Beautiful and anyone would be grateful for You 

Olivia: Aww thanks 

You: Lets clean you up and Remember that I'm always here 4 You 

Olivia: Thanks Dani 

You clean Up and Disinfect the Cuts and Then Go back downstairs to leave Olivia and Kio to figure out things 

Jaden: There you are 

You: Here I am Jae

Jaden: Come wit me 

You: Okay 

You guys walk around the Corner and He leads You to his Car and You drive For About 30-40 Minutes to the Beach and You and Jaden go to the Boat ramps And Watch the Sunset 

You: This is Beautiful

Jaden: What the Sunset or You 

You: Really Jaden 

Jaden: Yep So You imma Guess

You: If you say so 

Jaden: Come Here My Lil Teddy Bear 

You: Okay Fine jae Bae 

you Snuggle up to Jadens  and You watch the Sunset together 

You: Photos Maybe

Jaden: Anything for you mi Lady 

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DaniDamz:' Friends Don't Look at friends That Way '

Tagged: @Jadenhossler 

Liked by DixieDamz , CharliDamelio , Oliviaponton and 1,248,543,086 others 


Jaden: Let's Go for a Dip Aye ?

You: Yep Letsgooo 

You and Jaden run down to the Beach and Take off your Over layer revealing your Swimming Gear and Then Jaden Picks You up Bridal Style and Starts Running to the Water 

You: Jaden Hossler What are you Doing 

Jaden: We are Going swimming 

Then He reaches the Water and Loosens The grip and Let's go down And He grabs Your hand And You guys Start Going deeper and Deeper then He grabs you by the Thigh and Puts His hands on your waist and You swing your Legs around his Waist 

Jaden: Your Literally Perfect I Hope you know that 

You: I do Now 

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