The Vlog

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You: I'll Get the door 

Nick: There here You Ready 

You: as ready as I'll Ever be 

Nick and You sprint Down Stair and open the door

??: Hi I'm Kovur and this Is My Boyfriend Alex And btw Your really stunning Nick's A Lucky Boy

You: Awww Thanks Kovur 

Kovur: What it's True 

Alex: Say Hi To the vlog Dani

You say Hi to the camera

??: Hi I'm Thomas the Dad Of the house

You: Nice to meet you Thomas

??: Hey Your Dixie's Twin sister Aye Well I'm Ryland 

You: Ryland U mean the newest Fuck boy to Tiktok

Ryland: OUch But yea

??: Hi I'm Daisy 

You: OHH Everyone was right you really are Pretty 

Daisy: & the Soft Girl YAA That's Me 

???: Heyyy I'm Avani 

You: No way I'm Meeting clown girl 

Avani: Yesss You are are you a fan 


Avani:  Aww thanks Bebe 

You guys hug

Then Dixie and Charli come down and Everyone Introduces themselfs 

You: Okay It's 7:30pm Dinners On Me What do you Guys Want??

Kovur: You don't have to Dani 

You: Yess I do You Guys are letting us Move in We have to give you guys Something

Everyone: *claps*

You: AWWW Guys it's nothing I say we Have Macdonld's Yea??

Everyone: YEAA

You Get 3 $40 share Boxes 

You Get 3 $40 share Boxes 

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