45. Promise not to Cry

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And Come out Of the BAthroom To see Nessa In The Same Thing And You Guys Scream




You: because We are Matching Pretzel Stick



Nessa: Lets have a Girls Day just me and You 

You: Yea sure 

Josh: Jaden is gonna Kill you Nessa If y-

Nessa: I word in private Babe 


I know it would hurt Jaden but I need to tell Her about the apartment we Are getting and that Me josh Jaden and Mads are all leaving Sway But You Never Know . I take josh into another Room and Shut the Door and tell him 

You: Josh we need to tell Dani 

Josh: but Jadens my boy He likes Dani he can't help that His ex Still gets Along with Him 

You: But Dani is One of my girls I can't Leave her in the Dark josh 

Josh: But Jaden is so Happy with Her its amazing 

You: I know but Dani is the Purest Human ever another Boy breaking Her heart is not what she Needs right now Josh 

Josh: I Know Baby Okay If you really Have to You can tell her 

You: Thank you I love you 

Josh: I Love you Too ness 

Josh Kisses Her and They walk out hand in hand 


There they are you walk back Over to Josh and Nessa and Nessa Takes you hand Laughing and Kisses Josh goodbye and You guys walk out to the Car and Drive down to the Mall then Park and Get into the Shop 

Nessa: Where We Going First 

You: Idc To be honest 

Nessa: Okay Starbucks it is 

You run to Starbucks With Nessa close behind and Order your drink and Nessa orders Hers and You pick a Table and Sit down Scrolling through tiktok While sipping on your Drink 

Nessa: I need to tell you something 

You put your Phone down And Look at Nessa and  Say : Oh okay wuzup 

Nessa: jadenmeandjoshareleavingswayandmovingintogether

You; Im sorry what slow down 

Nessa Okay Promise not to Cry 

You: What 

Nessa: So jaden Mads me and josh are leaving sway and moving into together

You: Im sorry Umm Imma go um thanks for the Chat 

Nessa: Dani Wait 

You run out of the Mall and order an Uber and Then get a Phone call 

Thomas Petrou is Calling...

Accept or Decline 

You: Hi didn't expect this 

Thomas: Ik right 

You: well what do you need 

Thomas : Do you wanna Come over For a Bit Maybe Settle the drama 

You: What Drama 

Thomas: You and Nick 

You: oh Him Okay sure Send me the Address 

Thomas: Okay here you go 

iMessage from Thomas Petrouv 
153 shif stret ( THIS IS RANDOM )

You: Okay coming now Bye Thomas 

Thomas: Bye 

You hang up and Get into the Uber and Tell them the Address and They drive you there 

Calling Thomas Petrou 

You: Hi I'm Here 

Thomas: Okay cool the code is 3902

You: Kk I'm in what Floor Should I go to 

Thomas: Wait we Have a Surprise for You on the Second Floor we Are sending Mia down with the Blindfold 

You: Wait Mia who dat 

Thomas: You will love her Don't worry 

You: Okay Bye 

You hang Up and See a Brunette with Glasses Is that Mia umm  surely not no its not

Mia: Hey You must Be the Other Damelio sister 

You: yes thats Me  

Mia: Okay Put this On 

She hands You the Blindfold and You put it on and She leads You through all The cracks and Up the elevator to Hear alot Of giggling 

You: I swear if it's anything Bad Imma kill you Thomas

Thomas: It's not That bad

You: What do You mean Not THAT bad 

Thomas okay in 3...2..1 

You look to see Charli and Dixie and you run to them And tackle them to the Ground with Sisterly love

You: I missed You guys 

Dixie and Charli : We missed You Too

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