7. We are here in paradise I think Part 1

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You wake up to a tiktok Notification from nick and You open it to see 

*just the audio tho * 

You: Really Nick

Nick: Well you know You looked hot so like 

You: Ohhh really 

Nick: Yeaaa-

You cut him Off and Kiss him  

Thomas: Get a Room

You: How about you Get a girlfriend 

Thomas: True Dat 

Then The Captain Says 

Captain: And We have landed in beautiful Hawaii 

Nick: Nah It's nothing compared to this girl right here 

He Said Pointing to you causing you to blush

You: WOW that was the best thing ever and for the most best thing in my Life 

Dixie & Charli: Ouch What 'bout us Dani

You: You guys are my fav sisters

Charli: IK I AM


You: Man Nicks about to become My favourite

Nick: C'mon weirdo We are holding up the line 

You: Okay coming 

You and Him start walking then he tells you to jump so he carries you inside Like this 

You and Him start walking then he tells you to jump so he carries you inside Like this 

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Nick: Oh We will 

Dixie: Nick shut it 

Nick: Or else 

Dixie: I will hit you where it hurts mhm 

Nick: Okay I will be Quiet but I need them 

You: You Nasty 

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