43. Since I First Saw You

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Then He reaches the Water and Loosens The grip and Let's go down And He grabs Your hand And You guys Start Going deeper and Deeper then He grabs you by the Thigh and Puts His hands on your waist and You swing your Legs around his Waist

Jaden: Your Literally Perfect I Hope you know that

You: I do Now


He Moves in closer You do to Then he looks You up and Down and Leans In And Starts Kissing you and You Kiss back Without Question then That Turns Into a Make Out session and After that You Guys Pull away

Jaden: Do you know How long I Have Waited for That 

You: Umm Idk How long 

Jaden: Since I First Saw you in the Background in Charlis Tiktok 

You: So 4 Months 

Jaden: I'm a Simp what Can I say 

You: Well then We can Simp Together 

He kisses You once more then You guys Run to grab everything then Head back To sway at like 12:19am 

You: Shhh everyone's asleep

Jaden: Okay Okay Come to Our room then 

You: You mean Your Room Dipshit 

Jaden: Our room 

Cynthia: You guys SUCK at Whispering 

You: Sorry did we Wake You

Cynthia: No it was The Zombies Outside of course you too Love Birds Did 

Jaden: Huhhhh Okay Well hurry up Dani 

You: Duty calls Sorry Cynth 

Cynthia: Have A Good SLEEP 

You: Yess mum 

You and Jaden Tiptoe Upstairs Hand In Hand but then Your Phone Bings but you ignore it 

Jaden : Here is A Hoodie and Some Underwear go Chuck these On 

You: Wait So your Saying I wear Your Boxers As Shorts Thats Definitely Normal 

Jaden: Trust me there very comfy so Go the Bathroom is just there 

You: Thanks Jae Bae 

Jaden: No Problem Bub

You Slightly Jog to the Bathroom and Get changed into this Hoodie 

You Slightly Jog to the Bathroom and Get changed into this Hoodie 

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