50. I see red

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You Jumping


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Danidamelio: Love this squad tehehe

Liked by Charlidamelio, Dixiedamelio, Marcdamelio and 8,029,135,098 others


Love these

You are my favourite Child
Danidamelio: ^ IK Daddy


Love that smile sissy
Danidamelio:^ I love you im coming home soon

Dixiedamelio: The spot

Come visit


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You guys head home in Quintons car and You and noah find yourselfs sharing a room and Quinton and Cynthia sharing his room 

Noah: Soooo Wanna do a tiktok 

You: Sure why not 

You guys do some but then you lay down on the bed and film Noah trying to do a dance 

(Your Curtis and Its nighttime )

30 minutes after you film that and have a play around and get to know each other you find yourself stalking him on tiktok and start talking to yourself Damn He is pretty hot in them wow but then he comes and lays done just to here moaning from next door 

You: Well there busy aren't they 

Noah: I mean yes they are Very fucking loud 

You: We could watch a movie 

Noah: Yeah lets do it 

He scrolls through all the movies like he knows what hes doing and he scolls for 6 minutes so you say to him to close his eyes and chose one and thats exactly what he does and you both open your eyes and its in russian 

You: Well shit I think ik what this is

Noah: Me to 


You guys make eye contact as if you guys had known eachother for 7 years you lean in and He does to you start to kiss then he grabs your inner thigh causing you to get on top of him clutching his hands around your waist you let out a moan noah says are you sure you want to do this Dani I'm a virgin."Yes I am to so lets do it " He continues kissing down your ribs taking pieces of your clothing and his off as he is still kisses  right down to Your pussy and starts eating it out. You clech the duevt as you let everthing out after that he looks you up and Down inserting his dick inside of you as the song from the movie comes on"I SEE RED " Pounding in and out he then finishes and pulls it out cleaning it all back up and You do the same to him then you have a shower and Go to bed wearing his hoodie and him cuddling close to you 


Noah whispers in your ear: We aint virgins no more bubz 

You Whisper back: I know And I'm glad it was to you noahy baby 

You to fall asleep in eachothers arms until the next day and You have another shower but then here knocking at the door 

You: Im in here

Noah: Ik 

You: What are you doing 

Noah: Can I please come in 

You: No 

Noah: Oh Okay

You: I Was joking come here

He unlocks the door then locks it again and you 2 shower together and Then get changed and sneak into Quintons and Cynthias room and You snuggle Cynthia on the blankets just incase and They wake up

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