24. I Said Forget It

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You: Patty Whats Wrong?

Patrick : Nothing Nevermind 

You: I'm worried About You Patrick 

Patrick: I said Forget It 

You: Well I'm Sorry I'm not gonna Forget 

Patrick: Fine Then I like You Alot 

You: WELL I likke You Too 

Patrick: Wait really 

You: Yess

Patrick: What About Tony 

You: It Was In the Moment Okay 

Patrick: Okay Well Will You Be My Girlfr-

You Kiss him Before he Finishes His Sentence 

You: Yes I Will....Will You be My Boyfriend

Patrick: Gladly Me Lady 

You: Okay Lets Go My Boyfriend 

Patrick: KK GirlFrwend 

You: You are such a Dork Bub

Patrick: Trust me I Know Princess

Kouvr: Well What Do We have Here 

Patrick: Everyone This IS MY GIRLFRIEND 


Everyone: Congratulations

You & Patrick: Thanks 

Patrick: Can we Make It Official  Please 

You: Why So Fast Patrick 

Patrick: Because I want Everyone To Know that you are Mine and Only mine 

You: Okay Okay bryant Can You Take Some Cute Pics

Bryant: OKay Where?

Patrick & You: The Beach 

Bryant: Okay Everyone we are going to the Beach 

Everyone: Okay Letsgo 

Once you Guys Get There You Get Changed Into This 

Once you Guys Get There You Get Changed Into This 

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With this Over It 

With this Over It 

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Avani Wears 

Charli Wears This 

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Charli Wears This 

Charli Wears This 

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Kouvr Wears This 

Kouvr Wears This 

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Dixie Wears 

Addison Wears 

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Addison Wears 

Daisy Wears This 

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Daisy Wears This 

A/n: Thansk So Much For the Support but a Huge thanks To @nickaustinismydaddyfor some Ideas And Helping Me get loads of cool ideas

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A/n: Thansk So Much For the Support but a Huge thanks To @nickaustinismydaddyfor some Ideas And Helping Me get loads of cool ideas

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