The chase?

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(Kou academy )

Alex: Shit! Shit! Shit! I gotta run

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Alex: Shit! Shit! Shit! I gotta run

Alex: Shit! Shit! Shit! I gotta run

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???: you ass get back here

Alex: I said I was sorry

???: and accepted your apology for resetting things

Alex: then why are you chasing me? Better yet why are you chasing me with your sword ?

???: because what I can't accept is that you abandoned me when you reset things

Alex: I wasn't responsible for that the keeper was and besides I didn't even think about that when it was hap.......Silvia?

( at that moment Silvia aura became violent, vicious and screamed murder no massacre )

Silvia: only abandoned me but now with your own lips confess you didn't even remember me in the first place.........your dead Dead Dead Dead DEAD!!!!!!

Alex: welp.......

Silvia: raaaaahh!

Rias: STOP!

Silvia: and who are you?

Rias: rias gremory

Silvia: I'm Silvia and this is a family matter so get lost

Rias: Alex is a family friend and we've known each other since we were ten

Silvia: ten? Impossible......oh I see the universe resetting gave us a new history so I only spent 10 years with Alex instead of the original 16

Alex: .....Silvia I......

( Alex's sympathizing was cut short by Silvia's bloodlust)

Silvia: ( tears in eyes) your the biggest idiot to choose this place over your friends and family......raaaaah!

( Alex stops her slash with his hand and proceeds to calm her down)

Alex: I know I made a selfish decision but I also know that this world needs me especially considering how many threats it has popping up But I feel bad leaving you behind sis

Silvia: ( pouting face) hmmmm....whatever well I'm here now so....

( Alex rubs her head and they hug though everyone is happy to see this rias shows some sign of annoyance)

Rias: hhmmmm.......

Akeno: oh my is someone a little jealous?

Rias: why would I be jealous? ( blushing)

Akeno: I mean you've always had the annoying sister like role in Alex's life and now his real sister has shown up and taken it that must burn a little or a lot ( giggles)

Rias: Akeno you've become rather rebellious as of late ( with a darker tone of voice)

Issei: anyway since you are Alex's sister you must be crazy strong right? So let's have a little challenge

Rias: hmm that's a good idea and to raise the stakes if my two select fighters win you will join my peerage as my new rook and if they lose I'll give you something of your choice

Silvia: sounds promising I'll accept it will be two on one so it's fair

Issei: that's some big talk

Kiba: hmm hope she'll be able to back it up

( the then teleport to an arena where they have there battle)

( the then teleport to an arena where they have there battle)

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Issei power level: 70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Kiba power level: 45,000,000,000,009,0000,568,000,000

Issei: let's go kiba

Kiba: yeah we'll have to get serious from the start

Silvia: wow they are strong but........,,.,

( issei boosts his strength several times over and goes for a powerful punch as kiba goes in for a powerful slash and when it seemed like they had landed a hit they were sent back with such force the crashed into the arena wall knocking kiba out and shattering issei armor completely)


Alex: the full counter that my sister uses sends and physical damage back at the opponent with added on power so they were hit with their own power and hers added on

Akeno: impressive and smart

Rias: are you sure you're related?

Alex:.....shut up

Rias: Asia go heal them please

Asia: yes

Silvia: well be that I won I have my choice of whatever I want

Rias: ask away

Silvia: I'd like Alex

Rias: huh???

Everyone: huh!!???

Alex:.....( of course)

Silvia: yup I want my brother back completely

Rias: but...fine

Alex: huh!!?? Hold on a second

Silvia: shut up it's decided let's go

Rias: hold on a moment! I'd like to ask you to still join my peerage as Alex said we have constant threats popping up and your strength would be valuable to us

Alex: she right problems are popping up as of late with this new group calling them selves the order of the seven deadly sins, so what do you think Silvia wanna join!


Rias: okay go.......what!!??

Everyone: ........huh!!!!?

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