Rei: side story

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abandoned building)

???: this is the place........interesting

( at that moment the mysterious figure leaps up evading a slash from an attacks sword)

( at that moment the mysterious figure leaps up evading a slash from an attacks sword)

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???: your faster than expected But I expect nothing less from you rei

???: your faster than expected But I expect nothing less from you rei

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Rei: hmm didn't know I was famous

???: of course you and your friend Alex are well known for your universe traveling ways

Rei: how do you....

???: I am a part of a group that is familiar with the concept of other worlds

Rei: (hmm but how can I only now be hearing about you guys.....unless they didn't exist before the reset......)

???: I am #08 And I am here to do one of two things

Rei: which are to recruit me....

08: or terminate you so which will......

( her questions cut short as rei goes for a slash but she dodges and goes on the defensive blocking multiple strikes and then drawing her sword which forces rei to get serious)

Rei: your good but your not gonna beat me with level of skill

08: your over confidence will be your undoing

08: your over confidence will be your undoing

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( rank: B)

???: he's as strong as they said and twice as arrogant

Rei: !?!?!

08: now you see just how out matched you are
(#08 rank: CC)

Rei: you are pain in the a**
( rei rank: BB)

08: we should finish this quickly.......uhhh when did.......( blood shooting out of her)

( as 08 falls to ground dead from several slashes to her body the mysterious men is left surprised)

???: you cut her several times during your fight without her noticing despite how well trained she was hmmm this might be entertaining after all

Rei: ( he's trouble and what's worse he's not even phased by his partner's death this guy is.....)

( the mysterious man rushes in and lands heavy blows on rei forcing him to draw his sword but it did little to help as the man continued to pressure him and just when it seemed like he was on the brink of losing he did the unexpected)

Rei: unleashed: purgatory flame chains

???: uhh....what is this ahhhh!!!!

( rei uses the opportunity to cut off the warriors head )

Rei: huff!....huff! Man that was close too close actually I have to tell the others about these guys

( unknown location)

???: so they failed to recruit and kill the target

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???: so they failed to recruit and kill the target....pathetic

???: hmm I'm surprised #10 was defeated the enemy was smarter than expected

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???: hmm I'm surprised #10 was defeated the enemy was smarter than expected. What should we do about this?

???: nothing these children are no threat to us or the plan as they are now

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???: nothing these children are no threat to us or the plan as they are now

???: even so I've sent numbers #11, #12, and #13  to deal with them all better safe then sorry we should continue with our individual parts of the plan and meet again after to discuss anything else that comes up agreed?

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???: even so I've sent numbers #11, #12, and #13 to deal with them all better safe then sorry we should continue with our individual parts of the plan and meet again after to discuss anything else that comes up agreed?

Everyone: Agreed

( as a gathering of warriors ends and their warriors now set their sights on rei and friends one can only wonder what the outcome of this new battle)

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