Time together

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Beep beep beep

Silvia: wake onii-Chan we have a big day a head

Alex: yawwwwn! What did you call me?

Silvia: onii-chan it means big brother don't you know How the language after living here?

Alex: nope I used magic to instantly translate there language to something I can understand

Silvia: that's really lazy of you bro you should try to culture yourself a little

Alex: I'm universe hopping knight who has to deal with world threatening evil the last thing on my mind is culture. And wait how can you speak the language already?

Silvia: I studied up on it and watched videos since I got here obviously dummy

Alex: but you got here half way through yesterday

Silvia: whatever hurry up and get dressed were going out today

Alex: what for ?

Silvia: to make up for lost time so hurry up

( later)

Alex: ( lost time my ass she just wanted to use me as a man servant) ( analyze: isn't that what rias uses for as well?) ( yeah and I hate that too and why are you bringing her up of all people?) ( analyze: no reason ( giggles) ) good grief

Silvia: so where should we go next?

Alex: home

Silvia: nope come on I think it's time for a lunch break.........

( Silvia and Alex quickly noticed the presence of an unknown person)

???: well I was hoping to catch you off guard but you have well trained senses

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???: well I was hoping to catch you off guard but you have well trained senses

Silvia: and who are you?

???: have no name i am simply a devil hunter and I know you two have a connection to them so tell me where I can find them and I'll make is quick

Silvia: Alex

Alex: got it

( with a snap they were teleported away to an arena )

???: huh? So you can use magic of this level......

Silvia: teleportation is easy stuff but I can see why us humans would find it impressive

Alex: cut the small talk let's get some info

Silvia: why ask if you can read his mind?

Alex: can't it's blank like he has nothing in there

Silvia: hmmm alright then who sent you

???: the devil hunters the organization has dedicated themselves to the termination of all demons and devils

Alex: so your a member of that group I had a feeling

Silvia: you know about.....oh this is the problem you guys mentioned yesterday

Alex: Alright I'll handle him

Silvia: nope he's mine so get back

Alex:.....( stares at her) huff...fin

( the mysterious man wastes no time as soon as Alex turns his back he goes for him only to be kicked clean across the arena )

???: ahhh!!! Hmmmm interesting a human who's power rivals those of the three factions

Silvia: alright then let's get this going

??? Power level: 80,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

???: I'm still stronger than you are

Alex: she right at the moment

???: what do you mean at the moment....a sacred gear? You have one!?

Silvia: .....hmmm who knows ( smiles) but I do know that he wasn't referring to that mr hunter

( in that moment Silvia power level shot up as a mark appeared on her forehead down to her cheeks)

Silvia power level: 112,570,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Alex:.....( analyze: your sister is a....) abnormal occurrence that makes even me look normal ( analyze: explain please) I have a unique ability known copy but it's not exactly perfect but her she's different she possesses an ability which is creation that allows her to create a perfect no superior version of an ability, trait and or person this is then added on to her ( analyze: and the demon mark......) is from meliodas she gained all the traits associated with it but better

???: incredible her power has now eclipsed mine I must report this girl and her power
Demon slayer art: phantom shadow

Silvia: cancel!

( the mysterious mans technique vanished in front of his eyes )

???: what!? How?

Silvia: darkness: swarm

( before anyone could understand what was happening the man was engulfed by the darkness and torn apart)

( later at the mall)

Silvia: whew....that was a tough spot to be in he might have killed me if I wasn't serious

Alex: I doubt that but sure. Oh Silvia by the way why did you not take rias offer to join ?

Silvia: why.....hmmm I guess it's cause I don't want to serve someone who stole my brother or maybe it's cause I'd rather work with and not for anyone

Alex: I see......Silvia I'm sor.....

Silvia: so why did you join the red head?

Alex: well cause...cause I wanted to I guess

Silvia: typical you act without ever really thinking it through oh well doesn't matter cause with the reset all of that never happened

Alex: well a lot of it happened just some stuff were removed from the history to make sense and for the record I actually stopped being a member of her peerage before the reset And how do you even know about that?

Silvia: read your mind in your sleep

Alex: ...........( gets angry) SILVIA!!!!

Silvia: well that concludes today bye

( as the Silvia runs off from her brother they are unaware that they had someone else watching them and that their happy times were soon to be threatened)

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